Glen Dickinson

Profile Updated: November 25, 2008
Residing In: Kalamazoo, MI USA
Spouse/Partner: Dana
Occupation: Chemical Engineer
Children: Steffi, born 2004
Phillip, born 2007

Yes! Attending Reunion
Attending Reunion



Moved after sophomore year to Paris, Tennessee. Graduated from Northwestern in 1993. Lived in Chicago until 2001, then moved to Kalamazoo. Married in 1998 to Dana (pronounced Donna). Guy Maki contacted me about the reunion.

I met my wife ДАНА through a NU friend. She immigrated to the US in 1992 to help her mother who came here in 1991. She's still a Young Pioneer at heart, and she'll let you know who the real "Evil Empire" was. We went to Russia in '01 and '03 to see her brother, friends, and cousin. Beware drinking vodka with Russians.

We've been in Kalamazoo for 7 years. It's a decent size community, good to raise a family, and there is a fair amount to do. For vacation, we've been going "up north" to Cadillac. We also go visit Chicago periodically, its 2.5 hours away.

I work for Cytec Industries, Dana is a pharmacist. I've moved from engineering into a production manager role. In my unit, we make a resin for carbon fiber composites which are used in airplanes. As Airbus and Boeing switch to composites, the growth is supposed to be phenomenal. So why did the stock just drop from $70 to $18? Hmmmm

Of course, kids take most of our time. Each year I manage to go to 2 NU football games - there is a group that tailgates. Wisconsin comes next year to Evanston (north side of Chicago) Is anyone interested in coming for tailgate and seeing the hapless Badgers get pummeled? Let me know.

School Story:

* At work, we have a 50,000 gallon methanol storage tank. Sometimes I think of Mr. Goodspeed in 9th grade science class telling us that Navy ships would come to port with "half the sailors dead and the other half blind" because they would pass methanol through burnt toast trying to convert it to ethanol. I can't figure out where he came up with that story or why!

* I remember Mr. Milsted's shop horror stories. At each machine, he would demonstrate how to operate it, but first, would give a graphic account of the kid who did it wrong. Like the guy that used the palm of his hand to push the board through the jointer. And let's not forget the dangers of kickback! Does anyone else still have their metal toolbox?

* I remember Mr. Sheets asking our class if we really believed that the Soviet Union wanted to take over the earth and control all countries. He mocked the idea, which seemed like heresy to us. I remember Dave Leitch figured we wouldn't see high school graduation on account of WWIII with the Ruskies (7th or 8th grade)

* I still roll my R's like Miss Schloerrrrrrrb, and I can properly pronounce "schedule".

* Remember when the space shuttle blew up? Betty Bio first accused the class of lying - she refused to believe it.

* I remember counting the minutes until French was over so we could go play touch football - Coach Thompson knew how to conduct a phy ed class. Why did Pete Schueller's team always win? I could accept that he was a better athlete than me, but sometimes I genuinely felt that my TEAM was better. But somehow Pete's team always won. I have nothing against Pete, but it used to really frost me.

* I remember cruising in Guy Paterson's 2 door Buick with the muffler falling off and listening to "West End Girls" by the Pet Shop Boys. Through Guy I met the "Roller Boogie Babe" from Oostburg. Thanks Ted for the nickname. Why was Kohler so big on nicknames? Other fond car memories were going to BK after JV football games.

* I remember our Pee Wee baseball team was coached by John Price and Shady who were both in college. Unlike today, parental involvement was low, as we rode our bikes to practice, and John and Shady drove us all around rural Wisconsin going to games. At the end of the season, the coaches had a cookout for us, where they drank beer, got drunk, and told us wild drinking stories from college. I just don't think that happens much these days.

* What's with this movie, "Dodgeball"? Sounds like a game for wimps. Back in my day, we played MURDERBALL. Sometimes after MURDERBALL, we went outside and played PIGSLAUGHTER.

* I remember my going away party that Guy Maki had for me. Thanks Guy. I still have my wooden KHS that everyone signed.

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Glen Dickinson has a birthday today.
Mar 10, 2024 at 4:33 AM
Glen Dickinson has a birthday today.
Mar 10, 2023 at 4:33 AM
Glen Dickinson has a birthday today.
Mar 10, 2022 at 4:33 AM
Glen Dickinson has a birthday today.
Mar 10, 2021 at 4:33 AM
Glen Dickinson has a birthday today.
Mar 10, 2020 at 4:35 AM
Glen Dickinson has a birthday today.
Mar 10, 2019 at 4:33 AM
Glen Dickinson has a birthday today.
Mar 10, 2018 at 4:33 AM
Glen Dickinson has a birthday today.
Mar 10, 2017 at 4:33 AM
Glen Dickinson has a birthday today.
Mar 10, 2016 at 4:33 AM
Glen Dickinson has a birthday today.
Mar 10, 2015 at 4:33 AM
Posted: Mar 07, 2014 at 12:00 AM
My 38th birthday
Posted: Mar 08, 2014 at 12:00 AM
Vacation at Lake Cadillac, MI
Posted: Mar 08, 2014 at 12:00 AM
Pip heading out for trick or treat
Posted: Mar 08, 2014 at 12:00 AM
Dana and the kids - check out those raspberries!