
Thanks to all who attended to make the weekend such a great success! Share your reunion pictures with everyone by uploading them here.
Please use the website to stay in touch with classmates and to keep your contact information up to date so that we can keep you posted on upcoming events.
The Reunion Committee
Sunday Brunch – Change of Venue & Time
Sunday Brunch
08/06 ● 11:00 am
131 Clinton Street (French Island)
La Crosse, WI
Tom Sawyers will not be able to accommodate our large group on Sunday, August 6th. However, they offered us a buffet brunch at their other restaurant, Castaways on the Island. Normally, Castaways is closed on Sundays so we will have the entire place to ourselves. It will be staffed with a bartender and servers.They will need a headcount by Friday.
Cost: $18.00 per person (includes tip and taxes).
Brunch will include: Scrambled Eggs ∙ Bacon ∙ Ham ∙ Sausage Links ∙ Pastries ∙ Fruit ∙ Roasted Turkey ∙ Mashed Potatoes ∙ Carrots
If you previously signed up for brunch a separate email has been sent to you. If you are now interested in attending the brunch please email jaynegrupa@gmail.com with your name and number of people attending.
The Reunion Committee
Calling all classmates!
Please post a memory about your days at Central High on our message forum page. We will gather them up and share at the reunion. Thanks for your help!!
It’s been 50 years since we walked out the doors of Central High School. We are asking you to take a moment to think back to the good old days . . .
What is your favorite high school memory?
Who was your favorite teacher or what was your favorite activity?
The strangest thing that happened to you in high school?
The funniest incident you that remember?
Whatever you want. Feel free to post old pictures as well!
If you have been procrastinating . . .
Class Reunion Registration Extended until July 15th!
Here is your last chance to sign up for our 50th class reunion. A fantastic weekend has been planned for us to gather, enjoy and celebrate! Don't miss out!
Payment by credit card only.
It's the final countdown!
Just 10 days left until we close registration. You don't want to miss this blast from the past! Please submit your registration by June 30, 2023.
If you haven't signed up for the reunion, do it today!
Registration closes June 30th.
We need your help contacting classmates. Please mention the reunion on your social media or give a call to a classmate that you haven't been in touch with for awhile.
It's easy to register, just click here
We didn’t realize we were making memories. We just knew we were having fun.
50th Year Reunion Celebration - August 4th & 5th, 2023
Click here to learn more. Registration open!
Class of 73' it's time to get together to celebrate our 50 year reunion! A fantastic weekend has been planned for us to gather, enjoy and celebrate!
The fun starts Friday night, August 4th at 5:00 pm at Moxies on the Mississippi for drinks and reminiscing! (Cash Bar)
For those wanting to get out on the green, there is a golf outing planned for Saturday, August 5th starting at 9:00 am at Forest Hills Golf Course.
The main event is at Stoney Creek Hotel in Onalaska beginning at 5:30 pm with cocktails (cash bar), and includes dinner and a dance featuring a DJ from Music Mix of LaCrosse.
Finish the weekend with Sunday brunch starting at 10:30 am at Tom Sawyer's on French Island (order off the menu). Hurry! Registration closes on June 30, 2023.
Please note: The price for Moxies and Tom Sawyer is listed as "free". This means there is no registration fee involved. You are responsible to pay for any food or beverages you order.
Payment Options
There are two payment options. If you are paying by credit card (cc) the price includes the processing fee charged by the credit card. Pricing is slightly less if paying by check. All checks need to be made out to: Central High School Class of 1973 and mailed to:
C/O John Ruud P O Box 1475 LaCrosse, WI 54602-1475
It's time to party!
Friday, August 5, 2022
Late afternoon/Early Evening
Our annual tradition of gathering at Moxies Tiki Bar (1835 Rose Street) continues.
Stop by and connect with old friends!
50th CLASS REUNION - AUGUST 4 & 5, 2023
We have started planning our 50th reunion!
The weekend events will start Friday night - Aug. 4, 2023 with a social gathering at Moxie's. A Golf outing is being planned for Saturday morning and dinner/ music Saturday evening at Stoney Creek.
Please mark your calendars and pass the word along to any classmates that you stay in contact with. More information will be coming next summer on additional outings or events. Anyone interested in working on the planning committee post a message on the board. We'd appreciate any help compiling classmate lists and contact info. Also please update your profile.
Hope to see you in 2023!
Friday, August 6th, 2021
Late afternoon/Early Evening
Our annual tradition of gathering at Moxies Tiki Bar (1835 Rose Street) continues.
Stop by and connect with old friends from far and near!
Hope to see you there!!
La Crosse Central 1973 classmates … the first Friday in August is a mere three (3) weeks away! Get together for our 6th Annual 40-year Reunion??
Tiki Bar behind Moxie's (or whatever it is called these days). 5:00 pm or whenever you can make it. Please help pass the word - quickly!
Hope to see everyone Friday, August 2nd, 2019 at Moxies (1835 Rose Street) starting at 5:00 pm.
Saturday Night - Alpine Inn Update (2018)
- The porch at the Alpine Inn has been reserved for the Class of '73.
- If our group is 20 or more people there will be no cover charge; otherwise it is $15 per person.
- Alpine Inn will offer discounts for placing group orders for food and beer.
We should be able to determine on Friday night if we will have enough people attending Saturday night to waive the cover charge.
Just a few more days before the fun begins!
Hope to see everyone on Friday night, August 3rd at Moxies (1835 Rose Street) starting at 5:00 pm!
Pace yourself so you can join in a repeat performance on Saturday night, August 4th starting at 7:00 pm at the Alpine Inn (W5717 Bliss Road). Several bands will be playing.
Due to lack of participation, no golf outing is scheduled for Saturday.
Hello Fellow Raiders!
Hard to believe that it has been 45 years since graduating from Central High. Time to gather together once again and create some new memories as we reminisce about the “good old days”!
Friday, August 3rd 5:00 pm -???
Our annual tradition of gathering at Moxies (1835 Rose Street) continues. A great casual evening perfect for catching up with old friends.
Saturday, August 4th
No formal events are planned for Saturday – but we do have a few options to share with you. As we get closer to August we will designate a “meet-up spot” for Saturday evening so that we can gather as a group. Vote for your choice using the Poll on the right hand of the screen.
If you would like to get together with classmates for a round of golf, please register here. If there is enough interest, we will make foursomes from the registered golfers. You would pay your fees at the course.
The La Crosse Queen runs two cruises on Saturday. Reservations are needed, as these cruises fill quickly. For reservations call: 608 784-2893 Visit: lacrossequeen.com
3:30 pm Pizza Cruise $18.75 per person 1.5 hours Complimentary pizza, unlimited beer, soda
6:00 pm Dinner Cruise $44.95 per person 2.5 hours Prime rib and chicken dinner, live music
ROCKN’ THE DOCKS 2:00 pm -Midnight
This summer concert event is a terrific way to kick back and relax with friends. All French Island restaurants and bars will all be rockin' (Shenanigan's, Tom Sawyers, Castaways, Huck Finns, etc.).
Bands will be playing all day at the Alpine Inn, W5717 Bliss Road (Grandad Bluff)
From: Lisa Greguska Singer, Class of '91
A special message for all LaCrosse Central H.S. Robed Choir Alumni:
“A Celebration of Voices: A Concert Event in Honor of Mr. Aronson” has been planned for Sunday, April 30th at 2:00 PM at the LaCrosse Central High School Auditorium. For those of you who have not yet heard, Mr. Aronson passed away peacefully in his sleep on February 1st of this year. In honor of Mr. Aronson, the current Robed Choir will perform the first and last song of Mr. Aronson’s final concert from Spring of 1990: “God’s Son Has Made Me Free” and “Music of Life”. In addition, all Robed Choir Alumni will be invited to join in on two Robed Choir classics: “Carol of the Bells” and “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”. More details closer to the time of the event will be posted on the Central H.S. Choir website. Please share this announcement with anyone you know that may be in contact with Robed Choir Alumni from Mr. Aronson’s 35 years at Central, 1955-1990. Thank you!
Friday, August 5th, 2016 starting at 5:00pm
River Jack's
1835 Rose Street
La Crosse, WI
It's Back! - 3rd Annual 40th Get-Together
Won't You Join Us??
Hard to believe another year has slipped away. Hope to see you at:
Black River Bar & Grill (formerly River Jack’s)
1835 Rose St, La Crosse
Friday, August 7, 2015
5:00 pm until ????
Hey Everyone!
Do you remember where you were last August 1st? Hopefully you were at the 40th reunion get-together at River Jack’s. If you weren’t, now is your chance to meet up with old friends and enjoy a great night of reconnecting and remembering when at the:
2nd Annual Class of ’73 40th Reunion Get-Together
Black River Bar & Grill (formerly River Jack’s)
1835 Rose St, La Crosse
Friday, August 1, 2014
5:00 pm until ????
We are turning back the hands of time.To be honest we can’t stop the extra pounds or new gray hairs, but we will always remember you in bell-bottoms! Hope to see you there!!
Join the gang at the Black River Bar and Grill (River Jack's) on Wednesday, June 18th at 5:00 pm for some sun, fun and a couple of drinks.
Sometimes you want to go where everyone knows your name, and they're always glad you came! Hope you can make it!
1835 Rose Street, La Crosse
Well the party is over . . . but the smiles and memories created over the weekend with our lifelong friends will remain forever.
Thanks for all that traveled near and far to make our 40th reunion such a great success!
Please take a moment to complete the Post Reunion Survey so that we can improve our next reunion.
Please make sure to add your pictures to the Reunion Pictures page!
Welcome to the Central Class of 1973 website! If this is your first visit here, you will need to join before you can view all of the pages on our site. Just follow these simple steps:
After completing your profile click on "40th Reunion Registration" on the left side of the screen. Find the event you wish to attend and follow the instructions. |
What is your favorite remember when? Write a post and share it with us in the Message Forum!
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