Class Of 1974
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Genevieve Abshire (Benoit)
Brenda Adams (Parks)
Delores Alexander (Morton)
Shirley Alexander
Andy Anderson
Dianna Anderson
Freddie Anderson
Joseph Anderson
Earl Angelle
Mark Angelle
Rose Anslem
Florence Antoine (Perrot)
Angella Arceneaux (Jones)
Jennifer Arceneaux (Chavis)
William Arceneaux
Kathy Ardoin (Louvierre)
Sue Armentor (Dartez)
Connie Ashurst (Doane)
Steven Augustine
Mark Austen
Rhonda Ballard (Korosi)
Sandra Benoit (Richard)
Vickie Benoit (Lanclos)
Rodney Benton
Dianne Bergeron (Lormand)
Debra Bernard
Harvey Bernard
Maryetta Bernard
Connie Berthelot (Primeaux)
LaTrelle Bertrand (Boudreaux)
Donna Bihm (Gelzinis)
Robert Billeaud
Anthony Blackwell
Allen Blanchard
Debra Blanchard (Deville)
Richard Blanchard
Kim Bonnette (Wright)
Kathleen Bourque
Charlotte Boutin
Cheryl Boutin
Linda Bower
Debi Brannon (Leliberte)
Becky Breaux (Sonnier)
Julie Breaux (Cullen)
Lorraine Breaux
Mark Breaux
Annette Broussard (Lewis-Jett)
Doak Broussard
Edna Broussard
Edward Broussard
John Broussard
Robert Broussard
Sandie Broussard
Sandra Broussard
Lawrence Bruno
James Campbell
Martha Carmouche
Pamela Carriere (Wright)
Peggy Carriere (Leger)
Deanna Castille (Loerwald)
Iris Celestine (Broussard)
Katherine Chaisson (Carmouche)
Mary Chaisson
Selita Chaisson (Harris)
Susan Champagne (Labbe)
Richard Chargois
Brenda Charles
Cynthia Charles
Donald Charles
Richard Charles
Homer Chiasson
Linda Chiasson
Earline Clay
Mary Ella Cleveland
Walter Comeaux
Cleopatra Cormier
Georgia Cormier (Tauzin)
Leyton Cormier
Lucille Cormier (Clark)
Patrick Cormier
Charlotte Cornes
Charlene Cronin
Henry Dartez
Keith Dartez
Lisa Dartez (Ferreira)
Debbie Day
Hilda Decuir (Walker)
Dr. Edmee Dejean
Brian Delahoussaye
William Delahoussaye
Debbie Delino (Robeau)
Keith Delino
Gerald Denman
Margaret Dixon
Cheryl Domingue (Comeaux)
Glyn Domingue
Joy Domingue (Conley)
Shirley Domingue (Credeur)
Gwendoline Doucet
Debra Downs (Lejeune)
Merita Dugas
Patrick Dugas
Catherine Duhon
Darrell Duhon
Diana Duplechin (Thibodeaux)
Kenneth Duplechin
Karen Dupre
Earline Dupuis
Mary Dupuis
Renee Dupuis (Tinnin)
Justinian Etienne
Dianna Fabacher
Rhonda Farish
Ronald Fils
Dalton Flugence
Paulette Fontenot
Virginia Fontenot
Janie Ford (Andrews)
Ronald Foreman
Debra Francis
Roy Garrett
Kenneth Gary
Lynette Gauthier (Trahan)
Dianne Gautreaux (Breaux)
Jeanette Gautreaux (Wurst)
Betty George
Juanita George
Alton Gobert
Earl Godfrey
Sheryl Godfrey
Alexi Gordon
Arnold Gotch
Eileen Goudeaux
Rocky Gravouilla
James Green
Lester Greneaux
Jimmy Kenneth Groff
Karen Grossie
Brian Guidry
Darrell Guidry
David Guidry
John Guidry
Michael Guidry
Randy Guidry
Rebecca Guidry
Milton Guidry Jr
Norman Hammer
Avis Hargroder (Row)
Florence Harrison
Wilbert Herman Hayes
Becky Hebert (Guilbeaux)
Darrell Hebert
Eddie Hebert
Edward Hebert
Ernest Hebert
Glynn Hebert
Lee Hebert
Patricia Hebert (Marks)
Stewart Hebert
Eugene Henry
Cathy Hernandez (Hallett)
John Hernandez
Terry Holloway
Gail Hoover (McWilliams)
Schuyler Hukins
Karen Hurd (Delafose)
Deanna Huval
John Huval
Keith Huval
Jimmy Inzerella
Peggy Issac
Catherine Jagneaux (Hynes)
Michael Jean Louis
Cathy Jeanlouis
Anthony Johnson
Janet Johnson
Delphine Jones (Harvey)
Victor Judice
Spencer Juneau
Teddy Kahn
Ronald Karriker
John Key
Jessie King (Williams)
Althea Kuykendall (Felix)
Cheryl Lalande
Ranella Lanclos (Richard)
Charlotte Landry
Dennis Landry
Dianna Landry
Sandra Landry (Neucere)
Debra Langlinais
Gerry Lasseigne
John Latiolais
Goldie Lavergne
Nancy Jo Lawrence (Sonnier)
Gwendolyn LeBean (Williams)
Debra LeBlanc (Plunkett)
Melinda LeBlanc
Helen Ledet (Mallery)
Edith Leger
Ronald (Ronnie) Leger
Shirley Leger
Donald LeMaire
Michael Lewis
Terry Lewis
Phil Linden
William Norman Lindsay
Anna Living
Van Living
Elton Lormand, MD
Vallerie Luby (Worzala)
John Lyons
Kurt Lyons
Wilton Malveaux
James Martarona
Kenneth Martin
Michael Martin
Cynthia Matthews (Singleton)
Nolan Maturin
Aldus Mayeaux Jr
Cheryl Mayeux (Quebedeaux)
Francis McBride
Linda McDaniel (Lavergne)
Pam McLemore
Janice Meaux
Melinda Meche (LeBlanc)
Paulette Melancon
Shelia Melancon
Carl Menard
Jimmy Menard
Joyce Menard (Champagne)
Keith Menard
Robert Menard
Ronald Menard
Roderick Miller
Ray Mire
Pascal Mitchell
Catherine Montgomery (Miller)
Ronnie Montgomery
Quentin Moore
Allen (Novey) Morgan
Coralee Morgan (Sinegal)
Elizabeth Morrison
Debra Mouton
Helena Mouton (Mouton)
Michaelene Mouton
Dianne Myers (Singleton)
Theresa Nepveaux (Dunn)
Rhonda Newton
Charles Noel
Roy Ike Nomey
David Olivier
Morris Olivier
Cora Oscar
Janice Patio (Bruno)
Theresa Peel (Acosta)
Chester Pellergran
Scott Perrio
Debra Marie Phillips
Debra Pillette (Mouton)
Susan Plouet (Broussard)
Bradley Pothier
Bennett Prejean
Brenda Prejean (Joseph)
Gwendolyn Prejean
Jacqueline Prejean
Joseph Prejean
David Quebedeaux
Allen Rageur
Lisa Rawls (Ashlock)
Marlene Reaux
Brenda Richard
Charles Richard
Gale Richard (Franks)
Irvin Richard
Rebecca Richard
Veronica Richard (Francis)
Sally Robertson
Dwight Rochon
Elita Romero (Darnell)
Joanne Romero
Malinda Romero
Mitchell Romero
Priscilla Romero (Hall)
Kathy Rouley (Laurich)
Debra Roundtree
Maritta Roy (Sonnier)
Caffery Rubin
Wanda Rubin (Francis)
Rene Salvatierra
Cynthia Sam (Richard)
Elsie Sam (Blackwell)
Lynette Sandoval (Bejeaux)
Bonita Savoy (Guillory)
Judy Schexnayder
Carolyn Segura
Darrell Shelvin
Maxie Shelvin
Susan Simmons
Wendall Simoneaux
Cathy Singleton
Gerald Skrzysinski
Harold Smith
Joseph Smith Jr
Steven Sonnier
Susan Sonnier
Christine St. Julien
Patrick St. Julien
Michela Stroderd (Camel)
Vianna Stutes
Debra Tauzin (Uhlar)
Debra Terrell (Lea)
Dianne Thibodeaux
Danny Thomas
James Thomas
Paula Thomas
Roy Thomas
Teri Thompson
Phillip Tiger
Carl Toucet
Diana Toucet
Doris Trahan (Peltier)
Joanne Trahan (Matt)
Linda Trahan (Comeaux)
Lloyd Trahan
Danny Treadway
Susan Tripp (Doucet)
Glenn Tujague
Jeanne Vidrine (Cross)
Darlene Vincent
Linda Vincent (Thomas)
Johnny Walker
Mary Walker
Mary Washington
Pamela Washington
Daniel Williams
Doris Williams
Emma Williams
Herbert Williams
Jacqueline Williams
Mary Bethsheba Williams
Sheryl Williams
Edna Willis
Elsie Willis (Lindon)
Joseph Wiltz
Marilyn Winfrey (Morgan)
Mary Winters
Robert Zeno
Michael Zenon
Guest Members
DeeAnna Bearb (Richard)
Lisa Dayries (Womack)
Christine Eure (Roseberry)
Tara Falcon (Photographer)
Connie Mouton (Registration)
Robert Mouton (Registration)
Annie Robin
Mark Stoute
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