Debra Pierantoni Gibson

Profile Updated: July 21, 2022
Residing In Jamestown, NC USA


Who is important in your life? (spouse, partner, children/grandchildren, friends, colleagues) – give names and connections if you are comfortable sharing

Married to Bill Gibson for 32 years. We met and married in FL then moved to North Carolina in 1990.

What life activities fill your day? (home, work, church, volunteering, family care, travel, recreation)

Part time work, church activities, women’s Bible study, traveling, hiking, playing cards/games with friends

What are the pieces of your life that give the most meaning, joy and satisfaction?

Fellowship with friends, planning for travel and traveling with my husband or a group of ladies, keeping in touch with life-long friends, helping others thru volunteer work or service projects, decorating and creating a comfortable and peaceful home environment, worship thru music, growing spiritually and being challenged in my spiritual journey

What are the unique, surprising or unexpected things that life brought to you?

Various health challenges in recent years that I don’t feel old enough to experience!
Feeling settled in North Carolina

Faith community

Friendly Hills Church, PCA

What is a good memory, life lesson, or pivotal moment that you carry from Lancaster Mennonite?

My pet peeve listed in our senior yearbook is bag pipe music and it’s still my least favorite instrumental music! You can’t sing along with it and it’s like nails on a chalkboard!! One evening as I was taking a walk near my home I was surprised to learn that a church near my house has a group of bag pipers that practice outdoors during warmer months (note to self: avoid walking in that area during bag pipe practice).

Do you have other sharing for LMH classmates?

I would welcome a visit from any of my classmates traveling in my part of North Carolina. It’s always fun to reconnect and I am thankful for the great friendships developed during my years at LMH.

Debra's Latest Interactions

Debra Pierantoni Gibson added a photo to profile gallery.
Jul 21, 2022 at 6:14 PM
Jul 16, 2022 at 9:33 AM
Posted: Jul 21, 2022 at 6:14 PM
