Bob Tanner

Profile Updated: May 4, 2021
Residing In: Santa Rosa, CA USA
Spouse/Partner: Wife, Nadine Toby
Occupation: Retired
Children: None
Yes! Attending Reunion

Left Marin in the mid 70's to begin my engineering career in the South Bay for the next 30 years. I'm now living in the Santa Cruz mountains in Boulder Creek where I moved to in 1989 - 6 months before the big one! Survived! Left hi tech in 2004 and have been selling wine in the South Bay ever since - not as much money as engineering, but I'm drinking a lot of really good free wine! Am semi-retired and will schlep wine for a few more years until fully retired and maybe relocate to Sonoma County.
UPDATE: Sold the BC house in April, 2016, living in Los Gatos in our condo, and are now in escrow on that home in Santa Rosa (Oakmont Village). Happily married now to that wonderful woman, Nadine Toby for 1 and a half years now :)
UPDATE: Relocated to our new house in the Sonoma Valley (Oakmont part of Santa Rosa) in March, 2017; survived the fires!

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Bob Tanner has left an In Memory comment for his Profile.
Jul 13, 2024 at 6:01 PM

This seems like some dream that I might awake from and realize Mark is still alive and well. Mark, Rick Guasco, and I were the best of friends - up until life got in the way. Rick, passing from cancer last December, and Mark, who was really torn about doing this one last surgery (hopefully) that would make his spine right - damn, he and I went back and forth whether he should do it or not up until he met the requirements to proceed with the surgery. Mark lived with pain since the '80's but was always the true husband, father, and friend without a complaint - well, everyone deserves the passing bitch about what how life is treating them unfairly - but Mark didn't dwell on personal issues. His lifelong ambitions were to explore life - he was curious beyond comprehension - often leaving me exhausted reading of his current hobbies and exploits. He was a skilled photographer, jeweler, carpenter, artisan woodworker, cook, baker, farmer, beekeeper and god knows what else he had in his back pocket. Did you know in the '90's he invented and sold microscope and camera attachments for photographing organisms - some of his photos are in the Smithsonian that are just amazing! His work with mushroom technology and his passion for the science behind it all is so impressive. After a career in IT and work at Tektronics and later at Xerox, he continued after retirement in volunteering at OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry). This is such an expression of selfless desire to continue to educate - his patience and enthusiasm to work with the young minds of tomorrow. Mark, I'm going to miss you bud. Love you. RIP and see you on the other side with Rick when it's my time. 

Bob Tanner has left an In Memory comment for his Profile.
Jul 13, 2024 at 6:01 PM

This seems like some dream that I might awake from and realize Mark is still alive and well. Mark, Rick Guasco, and I were the best of friends - up until life got in the way. Rick, passing from cancer last December, and Mark, who was really torn about doing this one last surgery (hopefully) that would make his spine right - damn, he and I went back and forth whether he should do it or not up until he met the requirements to proceed with the surgery. Mark lived with pain since the '80's but was always the true husband, father, and friend without a complaint - well, everyone deserves the passing bitch about what how life is treating them unfairly - but Mark didn't dwell on personal issues. His lifelong ambitions were to explore life - he was curious beyond comprehension - often leaving me exhausted reading of his current hobbies and exploits. He was a skilled photographer, jeweler, carpenter, artisan woodworker, cook, baker, farmer, beekeeper and god knows what else he had in his back pocket. Did you know in the '90's he invented and sold microscope and camera attachments for photographing organisms - some of his photos are in the Smithsonian that are just amazing! His work with mushroom technology and his passion for the science behind it all is so impressive. After a career in IT and work at Tektronics and later at Xerox, he continued after retirement in volunteering at OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry). This is such an expression of selfless desire to continue to educate - his patience and enthusiasm to work with the young minds of tomorrow. Mark, I'm going to miss you bud. Love you. RIP and see you on the other side with Rick when it's my time.

(Note: the above picture was take with Mark's camera as event photographer at the RHS 30th Reunion at the Meadow Club in Fairfax)

Bob Tanner has left an In Memory comment for Mike Hogan.
Dec 14, 2023 at 4:29 PM

So sad to hear this. Mike and I weren't close during school years but found common ground when I began a second career selling wine and spirits for a company that called on Mike's family store, John Walker's, in SF. We would talk about aspects of wine and favorite regions often at the Neil Cummins reunions at Paul Della Santina's home in Petaluma. Like other's in that sort of industry, there came challenges not present in other professions. Mike was a good man, a good father, a friend I wish I had found earlier. He will be missed. RIP Mike.

Bob Tanner has left an In Memory comment for Rick Guasco.
Dec 13, 2023 at 11:30 AM

Oh man...this hurt like hell. Rick was a best friend, a best man, and soul brother since high school. Many, many experiences and journeys on the road, rock shows, hikes, parties, girls - eventually watching him commit and begin a beautiful family. Just within the last ten years did he see the family grow to include grandkids. He was an amazing husband, father, and Pop-Pop to the grands. We saw a lot more of each other since I came back to Sonoma - biweekly hikes, lunches - revisiting many of the places in Marin that we used to cut classes to go to on Tam, Stinson, and Pt. Reyes. Our individual memories weren't so good for various obvious reasons when growing up in the counter culture of Marin and the Bay Area music scene. But together, we seemed to always fill in each other's gaps to complete the missing memories. I grew up knowing Rick's passion for both meteorology and what would be his life long career - continuing the traditions began by his grandparents at their first grocery store on College Avenue across from COM. Rick was a hard worker and was a perfectionist in his work and life. I will miss him, his humor, his love, his smile. I know he was looking forward to seeing his retrievers on the other side - he may be walking them around the block as he loved to do, or running them at Stinson. Goodbye my best friend, I'll see you on that side when it's time. RIP ?? 


Bob Tanner has left an In Memory comment for Tracy Bittner.
Oct 14, 2023 at 5:30 PM

Tracy, you deserve at least some remembrance - you and I got to know each other post graduation, when we were both living in SF. You were hustling as a restaurant server in the Union Street neighborhood and I was doing my own hustle in the outer Richmond on Clement Street. I guess the demons can drive someone to start robbing banks on a bicycle but I have to say I hope you did it with class. Sleep well and RIP.

Bob Tanner posted a message. New comment added.
Jul 19, 2018 at 10:03 AM

Posted on: Jul 18, 2018 at 3:21 PM

Hello Cathy....been hearing covers of John Stewart's July, You're A Woman and others from California Bloodlines and am reminded of our Junior/Senior year of performing those songs with Bruce Kingsley... maybe you don't remember but we practiced a lot at your house in Tiburon....performed one night at some talent show in the auditorium at Redwood. .Hope you are well. Cheers, Bob

Bob Tanner has left an In Memory comment for Bruce Iverson.
Apr 06, 2018 at 1:33 PM

Bruce grew up in the Bel Air neighborhood in the Cove part of Tiburon, living next door to Bob Guider. Along with Mike Mosier and Jane Smith, we were roommates after graduation from RHS until he married Jane around 1973. Speaking for the period when we were close, Bruce loved music - together with Rob Yeager we played guitar to the songs of the times; partied with so many friends, socialized and worked hard to make a fulfilling life during the turbulent times of that era; Bruce could be contemplative, introverted, but always thoughtful of others. Looking back, we may have all been a little dillusional back then but remained optimistic for a bright future. And as some of us experienced at times in our lives, Bruce was challenged by personal demons but persevered in the end. He was a son, a brother, a husband, a father - he was a good human being and will be missed.

Please join me in posting any remembrances you may have of Bruce.

Rock on Bruce, Bob

Bob Tanner updated his profile. View.
Apr 04, 2018 at 4:41 PM
Bob Tanner has left an In Memory comment for JoAnne Strittmatter.
Sep 15, 2016 at 1:33 PM

Nice words Rick. I sat with Joanne and her husband at the 2000 reunion when she revealed she had cancer. I believe it was the next year that she passed. Very quiet, classy young woman. Bob

Bob Tanner added a comment on his Profile.
Sep 15, 2016 at 12:51 PM
Bob Tanner posted a message. New comment added.
Sep 16, 2016 at 9:13 PM

Posted on: Sep 15, 2016 at 12:47 PM

Nice to see you again, Karin. Looking good. Welcome!

Bob Tanner has left an In Memory comment for Mike Ritchart.
Nov 27, 2014 at 1:32 PM

Ahhh, George, you bring back great memories of Mike. Bob Guider and I were working together at the Tiburon Cove Marin Wine and Spirits that sad day when Mike chose to leave us. I have fond memories of the parties at the SR house as well as my own parties at the 5th and Heatherton house with Bruce Iverson and later Mitch Jadot. Mike attended many - especially our Sunday morning football brunches. I see Guider often now that he's living near me in Scotts Valley and we remember Mike and his vibrant laugh and ear to ear smile. I often think of him driving into the eternal sunset in his Camaro with the top down and from the rear end all you see is "Had Any Lately? I'm Game". Rock on Mike, we miss you.

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Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 9:58 PM
Los Gatos, CA. Sept. 2009