In Memory

Jim Simon

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02/09/16 09:02 PM #1    

Jerry Boehm

BEST FRIEND: Some of our  adventures I remember most: Our planned incident in Mrs. Butlers english class to Carmen R. You giving me a nickname of "CAN and a HALF" Touring on foot late at night the west side!! Getting picked up on Fremont by a couple our girl classmates and driving out and parking by the entrance to the nude park!! Trying to throw our dates into a swimming pool that we all had snuck into after hours!! How about baccalaureate night when I was driving north on 5th just before Fremont when one of the guys in the back seat sent airborne an empty pint of sloe gin bouncing across a parking lot. The police were right behind us, stopped us and proceeded to give us a tongue lashing!! You said to the police officer, "But, the driver has not been drinking!" Bull Shit, he replied. I am standing right here!! I can smell him!! You got five minutes to get out of town!! We went out to Lake Mead; one hell of a crowd was already there!!! Graduation night: How many bars did we go into that we were not checked for ID: All of them!!! And then: How could I ever forget the 1957 summer week that You, Jim Grigsby and I spent at Yosemite!! What a FUN FUN time!! BEARS, BABES & BOOZE!! I hope your penchant for driving at night with the lights off wasn't the cause of your demise? I think of you often, RIP

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