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Class of 1965 55thReunion Committee

Conference call, September 16, 2019

’65 does 55


  • Rob McClellan
  • Matt Dominy
  • John Kelsey
  • Buzz Saner
  • George Paschal
  • Jim Alampi
  • Leigh Lockwood
  • From L’ville:  Zorela Jimenex, Diane Guvenis, Lisa Dunham


  1. Catchphrase?  Decided:  ’65 does 55
  2. Strategies to motivate classmates to return:
    1. Testimonials about past reunions.  
      1. Will ask those who attended the 50th.  Committee:  Please send a phrase or sentence about how much you enjoyed your 50thor what it meant to you.  Purpose:  Motivate those who did NOT attend the 50thto attend 55th.  Place on website.
      2. Testimonial should be short, relevant, and meaningful.  
    2. Keep information flowing.
      1. Current campus and activities
      2. History
      3. Alumni weekend events
    3. Start roll call? Yes.  Confirmed thus far:  Dominy, Hoglund, Kelsey,  Dave Lord, Paschal, Saner, Rafferty.  Please let me know by return email if you plan to attend!!!
    4. Your ideas?
  3. Alumni weekend:
    1. Class specific ideas (NOTE:  Anything off campus requires additional charge for transportation)
      1. Princeton walking tour
      2. Sculpture garden tour - Hamilton 
      3. Big Red Farm (added after the call)
      4. Washington Crossing, Bowman’s Tower. (David Library of the American Revolution is closing at the end of 2019 and will be consolidated at the American Philosophical Society).
      5. Firestone Library behind the scenes tour.
      6. Mill Hill tour – Trenton
      7. Report on the audio tour undertaken by a Lawrenceville Master. Kelsey mentioned this and I don’t have more information.
      8. L’ville behind the scenes.  McClellan mentioned this and everyone seemed to like it.  I think a combination of archive tour with other venues would be very interesting, particularly Edith Memorial Chapel.  Power station.  Kirby Arts Center.  Kitchen in Abbott.  ??
    2. Spouse events.
      1. See above.
    3. Update on hotel
      1. Will it be Hilton Garden?
      2. Where will the after dinner gatherings be held?
      3. More info to follow.
  4. Full Olla Pod is now on website.  I might put Lexicon on-line.  Adams survey from 25thmight be distributed via secure .pdf. Comments?  
  5. Frequency of conference calls?  Next call early November.
  6. Not listserv, but a comments board is on the website.

New business and random other conversation:

Reunion attendance goal.  See stats at bottom.  We will need 50 (!!!) attendees to beat previous record.  Or maybe we can be the first class ever to have 55 attend the 55th!!

Should we have a “55thOlla Pod” – a digital compendium of essays since the 50thfor updates and to give an opportunity for those who did NOT write an essay for the 50th? Opinions please.  

Promote that alumni weekend is a la carte: One can attend all events, or pick a few.