Letter to The Editor



Leonia Life 

Social Happenings 

Saturday, October 22, 2010


Yawn, Another High School

Reunion … NOT!


The reunion of the Leonia High School Class of 1960 … RRROCKS! 


From the opening ‘meet & greet’ on Friday night, to the unexpectedly awesome life-experience-sharing talks on Saturday morning, to closing the bar at 2:30 a.m. Sunday, this class, after thirty years, reveled in being together. 


‘Finders of lost people’ extraordinaire Wendy Trauth and Roberta Matera created a seamless, fun-filled joy-fest that belied thirty years of non-contact for this eclectic group. Unlike many huge graduating classes this small group of 106 all knew each other … there were no strangers to awkwardly puzzle over; just the sheer joy of being together, sharing great high school memories and life experiences.  


Adding to the evening’s festivities, Mistress-of-ceremonies Suzie Eyring knocked everyone out with a funny, fun first-class job: and Fred Kopper’s wonderful slide show evoked constant oohs and aahs.     


All believe, given the commitment to reconvene and continue the fun, it’s not too soon to start begging Wendy and Roberta to recreate this joy-fest for the class of 60’s … 55th reunion. 


Cheers and thank you to Wendy and Roberta; hooray for the LHS Class of 1960 … RRROCK on. 


Bill Lippe...