I did not know Stu Kirkland well, and we were never close. However, I find the news of his death especially affecting becasue he was always such a lively presence in our class. With Stu Kirland gone, a real part of our class Gestalt has gone as well. I find this very sad.
I realize now that there were many members of our class that I never really got to know. And in the case of some of them, especially, including some of those who are no longer with us, this is a thing that I very deeply regret.
The news of Stu's death inspires me now to talk about another class reunion. The 50-year anniversary of our graduation from LHS was already ten years ago. Like many of you, I attended, with only a mild expectation of its being a meaningful event. But I was surprised, and indeed delighted, to find it a very moving experience.
Now it is 2020, an appropriate year for a 60th anniversary celebration. But it seems that no one has been ready to put it together, and there have been extended discussions—or so I am told—of where such an event should be held if it is held at all. These discussions have apparently petered out.
It is seemingly too late to organize an event for this year; not least because of the present epidemic—which I hope will not carry even more of us away. But I would like to think that there could be an interest in doing something in 2021. It's getting late, dear friends, and we can't go on meeting like this, as the saying goes. If we had met now in 2020, and were to meet again in 2030, how many would be left for 2040?
I enjoyed meeting at our old high school. But it seems that there's lttle enthusiasm for that. Perhaps something exotic would attract people while we are still, most of us, able to travel. We could do something here in Iceland, or in France, where I could help in arranging accommodation and a meeting venue. Esther Granick might be able to arrange such things in Mexico, where she is now living. (She may hate me for mentioning this, but she can always say "no".) I am sure, however, that neither of us could get people signed up for the event itself and be the correponding organizer. And surely there are other venues. Any volunteers who could get things going?
I urge you all to think about it before too many more notices come in to the "In Memory" list.
Very sad about Stuart and for all the peole he touched. He was a vibrant, positive presence, ready with a smile, and always treated me with kindness. I'm glad he had a fulfilling life.
I miss Stu every day. He took me to the Prom, and I had the pleasure to get to know his wonderful wife Sue. I saw them in Philadelphia, and they came to see me in Florida. Out of the blue, Stu becoame very ill, went through Chemo, he was so brave. He texted me often, especially around 5pm, as we both loved our glass of red. His wife Sue and her daughter supported him during this hard time, and I can only imagine how much they must miss him. I am so glad I got to see him a couple more time. Yes, he was one of the best, we shall never forget him.
Bill Harper
Stu was someone I admirred for his being a good person, as well as for his many contributions to the life of our class
Mike Marlies (Mikael Marlies Karlsson)
Dear Friends,
I did not know Stu Kirkland well, and we were never close. However, I find the news of his death especially affecting becasue he was always such a lively presence in our class. With Stu Kirland gone, a real part of our class Gestalt has gone as well. I find this very sad.
I realize now that there were many members of our class that I never really got to know. And in the case of some of them, especially, including some of those who are no longer with us, this is a thing that I very deeply regret.
The news of Stu's death inspires me now to talk about another class reunion. The 50-year anniversary of our graduation from LHS was already ten years ago. Like many of you, I attended, with only a mild expectation of its being a meaningful event. But I was surprised, and indeed delighted, to find it a very moving experience.
Now it is 2020, an appropriate year for a 60th anniversary celebration. But it seems that no one has been ready to put it together, and there have been extended discussions—or so I am told—of where such an event should be held if it is held at all. These discussions have apparently petered out.
It is seemingly too late to organize an event for this year; not least because of the present epidemic—which I hope will not carry even more of us away. But I would like to think that there could be an interest in doing something in 2021. It's getting late, dear friends, and we can't go on meeting like this, as the saying goes. If we had met now in 2020, and were to meet again in 2030, how many would be left for 2040?
I enjoyed meeting at our old high school. But it seems that there's lttle enthusiasm for that. Perhaps something exotic would attract people while we are still, most of us, able to travel. We could do something here in Iceland, or in France, where I could help in arranging accommodation and a meeting venue. Esther Granick might be able to arrange such things in Mexico, where she is now living. (She may hate me for mentioning this, but she can always say "no".) I am sure, however, that neither of us could get people signed up for the event itself and be the correponding organizer. And surely there are other venues. Any volunteers who could get things going?
I urge you all to think about it before too many more notices come in to the "In Memory" list.
Hope that you will all keep safe and healthy,
Greg Movsesyan
Very sad about Stuart and for all the peole he touched. He was a vibrant, positive presence, ready with a smile, and always treated me with kindness. I'm glad he had a fulfilling life.
Wishing everyone health and happiness.
Erika Alder (Muenz)
I miss Stu every day. He took me to the Prom, and I had the pleasure to get to know his wonderful wife Sue. I saw them in Philadelphia, and they came to see me in Florida. Out of the blue, Stu becoame very ill, went through Chemo, he was so brave. He texted me often, especially around 5pm, as we both loved our glass of red. His wife Sue and her daughter supported him during this hard time, and I can only imagine how much they must miss him. I am so glad I got to see him a couple more time. Yes, he was one of the best, we shall never forget him.