In Memory

Matthew Sturgeon

Matthew Sturgeon

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06/23/12 03:58 PM #1    

Ryan Stewart

Matthew Sturgeon passed away on June 3, 1998. I have no additional details as to what happened but I suspect it was due to complications from his treatment of a Brain Tumor suffered in his youth.

We all chose different roads in life and the road I chose took me away from my friendship with Matthew. I recently became aware of his passing. My remembrances of Matthew are of his passion for life and dogged determination. He enjoyed life and always reveled in a good joke.

Matthew was tested early in life suffering a complicated brain tumor to which the recovery was long and challenging. As I remember Matthew I remember him as a model of strength. He received a difficult card in the poker hand of life and played it to its fullest. He was not always treated well both inside and outside of school as his condition left him with physical challenges that set him apart. As we grow older we gain perspective and I'm very glad that I had Matthew as a friend in life even if for short while. His teaching about conquering life's difficulties and doing one's best are with me always.

I miss you my friend!


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