In Memory

Alan Broderick

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01/01/23 08:05 PM #1    

Peter Woodsum (Woodsum)

With your ragged beard, we sometimes called you 'the Professor'; we being Peter Bentley, Mike Terry, Chester Geisler, and other budinskies, John 'Johhny-Go-Lightly' Beauchamp, Pretty-Boy Steve Harvey, Terry Shields, Thief Exemplar, and of course Bruce 'Rides the Caboose' Lombardo [who taught me how to drink beer in the cold winter woods outside D Unit]. And I'd be remiss, old man, if I neglected to boast on your behalf that, during high school, you acquired a very nice vintage bathtub Porsche from your own hard-earned wages! You were always a good guy, sans attitude. All my best to you.

01/02/23 08:37 AM #2    

Janet Shoemaker (Curra Jellis)

Those names, Peter! Haven't heard them in many years, but the memories, wow... Signed up here before the 50th reunion and have been saddened by the numbers and names of those passed. Went to school with Alan from start to finish, always a good guy. Thanks for your comment,stay well in 2023, and give my regards to YOUR family, ok?

01/02/23 04:54 PM #3    

Peter Bentley

Thanks for the memories Peter.  Most of those names I haven't heard in 50 years !! 


02/13/24 11:58 AM #4    

Walter Pennell

Alan  LOVED his  bathtub Porche in for repairs half the time)but it was aways on his mind and he dreamed of dropping in a new engine . I know what it  means to own your "dream" car having had two 1960s Era Corvettes to work and drive, before life got in the way..We  played vollyball in his parents above ground pool in the summer  sipping Rolling Rock Beers. .  ,  .  

Walter Pennell 

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