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Find and click on your name.


Help offset the cost of the Reunion, to help keep ticket prices affordable, by making a Donation. IF YOU PREFER TO REMAIN ANONYMOUS, send us a "Contact Us" message indicating so.


•   York Wilborn Jr  8/7
•   Lynda Lewis (Wells)  7/7
•   Renee Lewis (Daniels)  11/19
•   Sylvester Dunbar  9/15
•   Garen Martin  8/16
•   Patricia Perry  5/31
•   Vida Manning (Irons)  5/7
•   Roger Smith  4/13
•   Donald Ray Palmer  4/12
•   Monte Rose  10/14
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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


•   Johnette Oden (Brunson)  2019
•   Adrienne Pennington  2014
•   Sheila Tolbert (Lassus)  2011
•   Davey Lee Hughes  2001

Welcome to the
Little Rock Central High
Class of 1979 Website

                            welcome tiger photo agcwelcome31.gif

If you are already a registered member of this site, then go to the "Log In" section (in the upper right-hand margin) and sign in using your Email and Password.

If you are a member of the Class of '79, please first click on the "First Time Visitors" link, and take a few minutes to become familiar with all of the Features of the website.  Then, go to the "Classmate Profiles", and Search for your name.  When you see it, click on your name and follow the prompts to sign up for the website.  And don't worry, we promise we won't give your information to any one.  And the best part is that it is......

F-R-E-E........ FREE!!!!

If you are NOT a member of the LR Central High Class of 1979.....

  1. First, please accept our sincere condolences.  Not everyone can be so lucky.   ;-)
  2. Feel free to click on the "Contact Us" link and request that you be added as a "Guest Member".

Here is the crew who showed up for the 35 Year Class Reunion.  This and many other pics are available in the Photo Gallery.


LRCH Class of 1979
Reunion Photo Booth
by Arkansas Premiere Events