In Memory

Tom Langh

Name:     Thomas Earl Langh
Birth Date:     29 Apr 1948
Death Date:     10 Sep 1968
Gender:     Male
Age:     20
Race:     Caucasian (White)
Home City:     Los Angeles
Home State:     California
Religion:     Roman Catholic
Marital Status:     Single (Spouse Not Listed) (Single)
SSN/Service #:     2411890
Citizen Status:     U.S.
Death Date:     10 Sep 1968
Processed Date:     Sep 1968
Casualty Country:     Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam)
Casualty Type:     Hostile - Killed
Casualty Reason:     Explosive Device (Grenade, Mine, Booby Trap, etc.)
Casualty Air:     Ground Casualty
Body Status:     Body Recovered
Service Branch:     United States Marine Corps
Province:     Military Region 1 - Quang Nam
Length of Service :     00
Service Occupation:     Rifleman (USMC)
Data Source:     Combat Area Casualties Current File
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Washington DC. Panel 444, Line 17