In Memory

Harriett Rader (Cover)

Harriett Faye Rader-Cover was born on July 4, 1948 and died February 3, 1969. She was married to Ronald Cover.

Harriett died due to the complications of Child birth. She has many friends that still remember and love her. There is today no obituary to be found.

Rest in Eternal Peace Harriet.

My best friend in the whole world died in childbirth at Long Beach Community Hospital on Feb. 3, 1969. My heart has been broken ever since. Feb. 3rd, 1969 was also my lst year anniversary to Steve Watts and we were stunned and unbelieving. I miss her to this day. She was one special girl who made me so happy. Her baby died with her and they were buried in each other arms. Harriet was 3 weeks overdue and took her father with her to her Dr. and begged for a C-section and said she had a dream that she would die if the baby wasn't taken. The Dr. poo-pooed her and a couple days later she died trying to deliver. The Dr. was cleared of all charges brought against her. RIP my sweet Angel. I will always love you and remember our amazing life together as best friends.

Received from Trudy Middler

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02/27/14 05:31 PM #1    

Paula Shuping (Wilson)

I remember reading in the booklet we got after the tenth re-union that Harriet had died in childbirth.  Can anyone confirm that?  I remember thinking "My god, it still happens".  She was so young.


02/28/14 07:34 AM #2    

Karen Pyle (Miller)

I have such fond memories of Harriet from high school.  She was a bright light.  Her humor and laughter are present with me today as the image of her face comes to my mind.  In 1971-72, I happened to run into her husband shortly after her death.  He was still grieving, as one might imagine.  We sat together and he shared the story with me.  My heart was breaking.  Their child lived briefly after birth. 


02/28/14 11:54 AM #3    

Sharon Weeks (Maupin)

Harriet died of heart problems that she had during High School. I am still trying to find someone who can do a obit for me. I know one is out there somplace.

03/01/14 07:50 AM #4    

Sheila Reiss (Vaughn)

Harriet did die in childbirth - I knew Harriet since grade school, I even introduced her to her husband, Ron Cover. She had complications in childbirth and both she and her little girl died. If you want to see an obit, you can try the Press Telegram  - I'm not sure what year but Trudi Midler Wolsky would know.

03/01/14 08:48 AM #5    

Sharon Weeks (Maupin)

Thank you Shelia. I now have a married name for her and that will help find some information.

03/01/14 01:06 PM #6    

Rowena Shaner (Briggs)

I worked at McDonnell Douglas from June 1968 to May 1970.  I saw Harriet in another department and she was pregnant and so happy.  Shortly thereafter I heard what happened and everyone who worked in the area was extremely saddened.  That might help with the time frame.

03/01/14 07:58 PM #7    

Judy Talkington (Thompson)

I enjoyed many fun days with Harriett.........she was an amazing friend, gone way too soon.  Anyone who knew her instantly loved being around her....

07/15/14 07:31 PM #8    

Richard Wilabee

Harriett was my girl friend in elementary school.  We took roller skating classes together, we were in Don's and Deb's together.  In fact we are next to each other in the picture that was taken.  Her parents used to take me to the mountains with them.  I was so sad when I remember hearing that she had passed away.  I will always remember the fun times we had even at that young age.

Rich Wilabee

12/06/14 07:31 AM #9    

Carolyn Wegener (Ferrales)

Harriet died in 1967 (in August or September) due to childbirth complications. She and her daughter were buried together. I worked with her husband (Ron) at Douglas Aircraft Company.

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