In Memory

Jack McCanna

Jack McCanna

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10/24/08 12:26 AM #4    

Dennis Lewis

Jack was one of my closest friends for well over 20 years. We loved music, bridge, Stompin'76,Little Feat,Wekiva River at night,Philosophy,THE BEACH,our loyal bridge partners,his Chevy Nova-300,000miles or more, Gainesville & Atlanta,Washington,DC. He was always watching your back, the best friend ever! I did not see him during failing health issues- i had moved out of town to Brooksville and didn't find about his passing away untill later. It still puts me into reflective moods . If you needed a friend this was the one to have! Tears are in my eyes writing this tribute to a great guy& best friend. 5 no trump hands in heaven to you. Denny Lewis

10/27/08 03:07 PM #5    

Tony Russi

Jack was a good person & always had a smile & friendly attitude.

11/07/08 09:33 AM #6    

Nancy Martin (Beltran)

I met Jack when we moved to Florida in 1959. What a character! We carpooled in high school and he drove an old Studebaker that barely ran. We could tell when he was about to pull out in front of a semi and would scream "don't do it" but he always did.... chug chug chug while a huge truck was screaming toward us. We were lucky the large vehicles always managed to stop before slamming into us. We stopped for ice cream after school sometimes and I remember Jack asking for samples of about ten different flavors, taking forever to decide and then saying "I'll have vanilla" - of course we all groaned. Jack was a good guy and took care of his mother (who died very shortly after Jack) after she had a stroke.

11/08/08 07:16 PM #7    

David Johns

I remember him in Mrs McCall's journalism class. I was grossed out when he created a mound of dandruff flakes on his desk by continually rubbing his hair. Then he took a deep breath and blew them off his desk.....oh gawd - makes me sick to think of it! LOL LOL LOL

03/11/09 10:08 PM #8    

Greg Morrison

He marched to the beat of a different drummer.

I feel like I could write pages about Jack. He was my oldest friend. I had a great deal of affection for him, I still think of him often. He could also be one of the most exasperating people I have ever known. He and I rented a house near the old navy base in the early 70s. He just about drove me nuts!

Jack had a brilliant, but very eclectic intellect. I always thought that had he been focused and goal oriented, he would have left most people in the dust. But if you knew Jack, you know he was too much a wandering spirit. It just wasn't him

Jack spent the last (about 5 or 6) years of his life being a full time caregiver for his mother Dot, who had had several strokes. It was a yeoman's task.

About 3 weeks before he died I was in the area and almost passed his house without stopping. I hadn't seen him in quite a while, and something in my head told me to not put it off until the next time I came into town. The timing was good and we had the longest visit we had had in years, it was really good seeing him. When I learned of his death, I was glad I followed my impulse and not procrastinated on visiting.

My life was bettered from having been his friend.

03/12/09 11:25 AM #9    

Sherry Heath (Bentley)

Jackie was a wonderful best friend....good looks and a great big smile!!! I'm a "better person" because of his loyal friendship and great personality. Thinking of him brings a big smile and many memories of Old Lyman High and South Seminole back to me as if it were yesterday. Miss you lots, "Big Guy"!!!!

04/24/09 08:29 PM #10    

Thom Richardson

Jack or John, depending on which day of the week it was, has been greatly missed by me since leaving Lyman. He was the only other person who had read Ayn Rand and actually got what she was saying. He told me that he always wanted to be a radio DJ and was working at a local station to get experience. I always thought he was on the airways somewhere in the world, well now I guess he realy is. My brother Bob told me about Jack this past summer and I still can't believe it. I can still see him in class moving his whole scalp around on his head to the distraction of the teacher. He was the hairiest guy in school with me as a distant second, now I suppose I'm the hairiest guy from the class, but I hate that is this way. Farewell Jack, see you in the next life!!!!!!

01/11/10 09:31 PM #11    

Patti Swofford (Lovell)

Jackie and I knew each other our entire lives. Our mothers were in the hospital at the same time when we were born in May 1951. We oftened joked (when we got in trouble or mad at our respective parents) that possibly we were switched at birth! What a nice guy! I am very sad to hear of his passing!

01/26/10 12:08 PM #12    

Greg Morrison

As I recall it was a heart attack. Jack had diabetes, type 2 I think. And unfortunately, he took very poor care of himself, diet and weight. He was found in his bedroom.

03/25/10 07:20 PM #13    

Carol Mosley (Bronson)

I remember he was a hoot, he must have been a real love to cared for his Mom as long as he did, God bless his integrity, what a good son, rest in peace Jack.....

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