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•   Lee B. Murphey  9/20
•   Joan McCarty (Lord)  9/21
•   Graham Cooke  9/22
•   Frank C. Lathrop  9/22
•   Chuck Peters  9/22
•   Cynthia Gladden  9/23
•   Thomas C. Malone  9/23
•   Ronald E. Bogle  9/25
•   Hank Thompson  9/27
•   Jack Jones  9/29
•   George Soules  9/30
•   Phil Terry  10/4
•   Gary Mattingly  10/12
•   Edwin H. Niemann  10/13
•   J. Barney Neal  10/19


•   Heather Scarlett (Hurley)  8/16
•   Randy Rounds  8/14
•   Diane Rose (Brown)  7/27
•   Diane Beck (Ogle)  7/10
•   Emma Rieser (Borders)  2/10
•   Thomas R. Jones  12/19
•   Frank Powell  11/20
•   Charles Batteau  10/13
•   Jack Jones  9/28
•   John Koon  8/29
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

3 live in Alabama
4 live in Arizona
1 lives in Arkansas
14 live in California
5 live in Colorado
22 live in Florida
10 live in Georgia
2 live in Hawaii
2 live in Illinois
8 live in Indiana
2 live in Kansas
100 live in Kentucky
1 lives in Louisiana
2 live in Maine
2 live in Maryland
1 lives in Massachusetts
1 lives in Michigan
3 live in Missouri
3 live in Montana
1 lives in Nevada
1 lives in New Hampshire
1 lives in New Jersey
3 live in New York
10 live in North Carolina
12 live in Ohio
1 lives in Oregon
1 lives in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Rhode Island
5 live in South Carolina
8 live in Tennessee
7 live in Texas
4 live in Virginia
2 live in Washington
1 lives in West Virginia
1 lives in Wisconsin
1 lives in Japan
1 lives in Sweden
1 lives in United Kingdom
2 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Welcome to the new Waggener High Class Of 1963 web site.  We hope that you have registered on this website so that you can get notices and information on all upcoming events.  Please see instructions below to join and register.  

If you forgot your password or need help logging into the website, please click on "FAQ" in the left column for help.  Please let us know if we need to update or make changes to anything you see on this site.  Thanks!


The Classes of '64 and '65 are inviting other classes to attend their reunion in September.  If you are interested, please click on the information bar on the left side of this screen (near the top).

Thanks for coming to the 60th Reunion!

held June 9th-11th, 2023. 

We all had a great time and it was nice seeing everyone.  Also thanks to the reunion committee for all their hard work putting this together.

Photos Help: I'll need your help gathering photos of the events.  If you took any photos and can send them to me or post them on the photos pages (instructions are on the 60th Reunion Photos page) it would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks  Ted

Photos (above and below) by Ted Ogle

Reunion Committee Meeting (Rust) - Feb 2023

Waggener Lunch Group - Suzanne Cosso in town 2/7/23

Waggener Alumni,

Shown below is a link to the 2022 Waggener Alumni scholarship winners.  Take a minute to meet them and hear their comments. This year we decided to increase the scholarship amount from $500 to $750, primarily due to the generous donations of Waggener Alumni.  This program is 100% funded by alumni donations - for this we thank you for your continued support.  These are great kids that you are helping - check them out! 

Alumni Scholarship winners 2022 - Google Slides

As noted, this program is 100% funded by donations.  We want to keep this program moving forward and we need your continued donations to do that.  It's easy to donate either by credit card or check. Go to the Waggener Alumni Website - Waggener High School Alumni Association Incorporated Classes of 1 (

On the top line of the home page click on "Donations & Payments".

Cursor to "Scholarship Donations" put in your amount and click Continue.  If paying by Credit Card click on Credit Card, fill out the appropriate information, click on Continue then review your information.  Click continue to payment and your donation has been made.  If paying by check, click Check by Mail, click continue to payment, and mailing information will be there.  Mail your check in and you're done.

Thanks for your generosity and Go Wildcats!!

Butch Riley '64


2018 Class Photo

Other Waggener 63 Class Photos  (click here)

2013 Class Photos by Bob Quaife 

Here is what you need to do (if you haven't already)...

1.  Join our website and set up your own password.  Go to the Home Page and click on "Join Here" in the upper right corner, scroll down and find your name and click on it.  Under the words "Join Here!" click on the link that says "click here now."  Follow the instructions to fill in the missing information and sign up.  This is where you enter your own password which is associated with your e-mail address.  You can also get here from the Classmate Profiles page by clicking on your name and following the above instructions

2.  Set up your Profile (you can also come back later and add more information, current photos, etc.)

