Kevin Hawkins

Profile Updated: April 8, 2015
What do you do to pay the bills? Registered Nurse Care Coordinator/Case Manager/Legal and Ethics in medicine
Married or have a partner? Adrienne McClanahan 10 years
Children? Kevin 1984, Lindsay 1982
Yes! Attending Reunion
Where else have you lived since High School?



Since graduation I earned my BS in nursing. Worked in every area from floor nursing to nurse educator to Director of Nursing and everything between. Currently I work as a Care Coordinator and Case Manager in a local health insurance. Was married for 26 years. Divorced. Now in my second relationship. I've raised 11 children. Have 2 of my own. My daughter is 32 and lives in Las Vegas (too bad I hate gambling). She's married to a successful personal trainer to the stars there. My son is 30, has a masters in computer science, IT, programming and graphics. Executive at a local company. I've motorcycled or otherwise driven the entire lower 48. New Orleans is my favorite place to vacation. My current wife has beau coup family there.

Words of wisdom?

Try something new at least once a week. Meet a new person. Eat a new food. Travel to a new location.
Stop watching/reading American news. You'll get the real info from foreign news. American media is garbage and will turn you against your neighbor. Afraid to step outside. We're really not as bad as we're portrayed. People of this country are great. Get out there and find out for yourself. Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, Indian, whatever... It's all good.

School Story:

You wouldn't think my high school stories appropriate for such an open forum.

Kevin's Latest Interactions

Kevin Hawkins added a comment on Profile. New comment added.
Oct 02, 2018 at 10:44 AM

Posted on: Oct 02, 2018 at 10:44 AM

Mustering up a snapshot before
heading over to the Silver Coin
for a gig with The MoVers.
July 16, 2009.
Kevin Hawkins posted a message.
Sep 27, 2018 at 12:07 PM

Hey Jeff. How're things going? Glad you joined. I finally divorced the wife I introduced you to at DieNasty restaurant. Got a new one. You still working out at that same place?

Apr 08, 2015 at 2:35 PM
Kevin Hawkins has a birthday today.
Dec 07, 2014 at 1:33 AM
