Website Information

If you are new to the website please read this entire page as it will answer all of your questions on how to get a password, make a profile and how to use the website.

This website is maintained and hosted by a fellow classmate and is completely free to all alumni.  Unlike other websites you do not have to pay to make a profile or to be able to access other alumni profiles.

You have the option of password protecting your personal profile which blocks the general public and search engines from accessing your profile details.  Once you create a profile you will also be able to see the profiles of your fellow classmates and interact. Each profile has a picture of your classmate from the yearbook so you can compare past to present.

All contact information that you enter into this website will be kept confidential.  It will not be shared or distributed.  Your information is private, your address and phone number can’t be seen by the classmates unless you grant permission on your profile.  When someone clicks on your name all they will see of your contact information is your city and state and whatever personal information you choose to put into your profile.  However if you send a message to someone through their profile they will see your email address so that they can respond.

Please add our email address to your address book and adjust your spam settings so that you can receive emails to keep you up to date with the website and upcoming reunion.  The email address can be found by clicking on the contact us button.  

You will need to make your individual profile in order to access the password protected pages on this site.  To make your own page that you can personalize with information such as what you have been up to the last 20 years, school memories, photo's and to also get access to the password protected pages please click on Classmate Profiles page.  Once you are there find your name and then click on it.  Follow the prompts to create your profile.  The password that you enter during this process will be used as your login password.  If you cannot find your name on Classmate Profiles page please use the contact us  button to have your name added.  

If you have any questions please feel free to click on the contact us button.

Enjoy the website!
