Melanie Williams Anderson

Profile Updated: August 8, 2010
Residing In: Martinsville, IN USA
Occupation: Childrens Education Director/FUMC
Children: I have two wonderful, active boys. Garrett Tyler was born December 5, 2001 and Carson Patrick was More…born on St. Patrick's Day 2005.
Favorite School Story:

I recall one night with Michelle, TK, Chris, and Chip going to IU during Little 5 weekend:) All the overnights and just hanging out with friends. There are so many memories!!!

Most Embarrasing Moment:

Oh my, I have had many embarrasing moments!

My favorite teacher/coach was:

I loved being teacher assistant for Coach S - we'd eat donuts and have fun hanging in the gym:) Mr. Barrett was a great English teacher and I had so much fun being in his class.

Did you do time in "the box?"


Would you do high school over again if you could?


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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:48 AM