Welcome Page



This site is a permanent work-in-progress. You can use it to contact classmates, post broadcasts and photos, or make comments. Please play nice!

Fill out your profile today (its free). You will find your name in the Missing Classmates list; it only takes a few minutes to complete your profile. Or, if there is some previous profile information, you will find your name in the Classmates Profiles list; please update the old information as soon as you can so the reunion team and other classmates can contact you.

All Profiles are in the "open" status right now, so if you know current information about other classmates, please add it. The Classmate Profiles may be locked down at a later date, if needed,

It would make this site a lot more fun if you would post pictures to the Gallery. Don't forget to check out the Classmate Profiles! They are fun to read.

Sadly, we have lost some dear friends over the years and have honored their memory on the In Memory page. If you know of friends who have passed, and their names are not on the In Memory page, please let us know. If you have the obituary link, please send it to us and we will add it to the In Memory page as well. There is also an option for anyone who would like to write a passage about a friend we have lost.

You can follow us anytime at http://www.marysville.71.com