Classmate Profiles (1948)


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Anne Assenti (Thornton)
Lucille Balog (Schulte)
Patricia Beisler (Walk)
Charles Boteler
Anna Margaret Busch (Raible)
Mary Lou Butler (Rodriquez)
Mary Case (Dorn)
Elizabeth Cekala (Siler)
Flora Cendrosky
Roseanne Chovan (Snyder)
Irene Cox (Herseg)
Emma Crawford (Freyer)
Irene Cregar (Buhaly)
Irene Curran (Hirosky)
Emma Currie (Szalay)
Eleanor Danzak (Stepko)
Lorena Davis (Johnson)
Mary Diangelo (McAraw)
Evelyn Dicenzo (Borland)
Patricia Dirle (Flynn)
Cecilia Dowd (Regrets)
John Downes
Mary Ann Dujanovic
Viola Edwards (Minteer)
Marie Flaherty (Louise)
Theresa Fontanese (Schorr)
Daniel Fox
Amelia Galiyas (DiLiscia)
Grace Gattone (Amber)
Shiela Grady (Miller)
Rose Gross (Meehan)
Joseph Henry
Mary Louise Hoagland (Lundie)
Elizabeth Hughes (Lynch)
Wilma Irwin (Eger)
Lorena Johnson
Delores Katona (Poszer)
Patricia Kerr (McGivern)
Martha Koncz (Kemeny)
Roberta Korchmaros
Gertrude Kortz (Moore)
Patrick Kortz
Anna Marie Krajewski (Cyphers)
Gertrude Luck (O'Toole)
Charles Mandella
Dolores Mapleton (Schmitz)
Alice Marcenelle (Ritchie)
Jack Martin
Irene Massung (Noll)
Ella McAraw
Walter McElhinny
John McKenna
Ethel Meszaros
John Meyer
Marion Molinaro (Linn)
George Moore
Rita Morris (Cardamone)
Regis Mularski
Eileen Mullen (Ormand)
Mary Null (Madden)
Mary Ann Pici (Betters)
Rosemarie Proc (Tomko)
Margaret Roka (Derkas)
Eleanor Rossell (Markosky)
J. Dennis Ryan
Mildred Scannell (Schmitz)
Eileen Schorr (Hess)
Marie Schweitzer (Joyce)
Irene Scott (Vargovich)
Clara Seman (Stiver)
John Serena
John Shultz
Mary Lou Smith (Markus)
Sylvia Takacs
Dorothy Trautmann (Meyer)
Patricia Trollinger (McGivern)
Virginia Waddell (Striegel)
Harry Wadsworth
Dolores Walton (Dahlin)
James Wilson
William Yester (Antonius)
Mary Zaradski (Zoscak)
Catherine Ziegler (Storch)

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