In Memory

George Bercik - Class Of 1970

Date Of Birth: 09-17-1952
Date Deceased: 12-29-2009
Age at Death: 57
Cause of Death: strokes/diabetes/kidney failure
City: Murfreesboro
State: TN
Country: USA
Survived By: Twin sister - Mlbrey Bercik Campbell - 1970 Saint Peter's graduate Brother - Frederick Thomas Bercik - 1979 Serra High School graduate

George Michael Bercik was ordained in 1979 - Reverend George Mchael Bercik O.F.M. known to all as Father Mike. Served as pastor at St. Pamphilus Catholic Church in Pittsburgh approx. 11 years, was paster as St. Ann's Catholic Church in Marlborough, MA approximately 14 years, and was serving as pastor at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church in Derry, NH when he suffered two strokes. He was a good and holy priest that walked the talked. He is truly missed by all those lives he touched during his service to God.

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03/16/11 12:04 AM #1    

Fredrick Bercik (1980)

My brother, Fr. Mike, was most closest friend, brother & confidant.  Although he was 9 years older than me, we have always been close.  He has seen me through good & not so good times.  He married my wife & I, baptized all 3 of my children, gave the sacrament of Holy Eucharist to my two daughters and was present for my oldest daughter's confirmation, concelebrating the mass with Bishop Donald Wurhl.  Mike was a priest 24/7.  Always available for not only his family, but his parishoners.  At each of the churches he served at, he left an indelible impression & his parishoners loved him dearly.  The wonderful parish family of St. Ann's in Marlboro,  MA loved him so much & witnessed his love of God & parishoners, they surprised him with a trip to Italy & Greece.  Of course this is something he would never do for himself & was humbled by their generous gift.  He thanked all his parishoners, he tried to decline the trip, but his flock would not hear of it.  He had a wonderful trip & met personally with Pope John Paul II and attended a private mass with the Pope.  I have 2 pictures of this meeting ~ one of my brother shaking the Pope's hand, truly moved by the experience and the second picture of Mike staring at the Pope in awe during the mass.  I have heard from parishoners of all 3 of the parishes of the love they had for my brother and they felt extremely blessed to have been apart of his life.  My brother visited me & my family as often as he could & was a best friend to my 6 year old son.  My brother passed at the age of 57, he offered so much, and was given alot to carry on his shoulders and served God with a happy heart and no matter what difficulties he faced he never complained.  I have always put my brother on a pedastal and that is exactly where he deserves to be!

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