In Memory

Kevin Stubenrauch

Kevin Stubenrauch

Kevin passed away during our Senior year on April 9th 1980. 

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03/30/10 03:23 PM #1    

Gail Anderson (McDonell)

I remember our little brother, Kevin as we would call him. He would essort us to class. He was sweet and we all had alot of fun times I will remember him always!

Gail Anderson McDonell

04/01/10 10:08 AM #2    

Julie Stinnett (Moss)

I worked with Kevin at Sizzlers, he was a nice guy, joyful and so full of life.

From time to time I  think of him and wish that he had been able to have more life to live.

06/26/10 01:56 PM #3    

Denise Ratcliff (Anderson)

We didn't have Kevin around for very long, but I'll always remember what a Zen guy he was. So friendly and well grounded. Some of you may remember, that I delivered flowers for a local flowershop, during high school and a year after. That job took me into peoples homes, businesses, hospitals and even funeral homes. At the time, I hadn't ever met Kevins family.  Even as strangers I could see how deep their sadness was. All the family, including the poodle Moose, were broken hearted at his loss. He became the great guy he was, because he came from great people. I got to know his family, because I delivered flowers to their home. Their saddness is what drove them back to California. That's when I lost touch with them. That bothers me still.  On a happier note...Does anyone remember him riding his dirt bike through the breezway, on the last day of school, our junior year? Full on wheelie and everything!  I always thought it was so funny, that no matter how hard administration tried, no one ratted him out! I still giggle over that one. I think of Kev often and will always miss him. See y'all soon! Denise  

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