Barbara Jean Schultz Shovlin

Profile Updated: January 21, 2009
Barbara Jean Schultz
Residing In: Springfield, PA USA
Spouse/Partner: Timothy Shovlin
Occupation: RN
Children: Francisco, born 11-26-1984
Alejandro, born 12-28-1988
Barbara Jean Schultz


Yes! Attending Reunion

Became an RN in 1982. Stayed locally working at various hospitals and offices. Married for 7 years, divorced, two kids. Single Mom for 5 years. Remarried for 13 years.

Main interests now are family, church, swimming and gardening.

School Story:

One day in the school cafeteria, an unknown (to me) quiet guy, stood up on one of the tables playing an air guitar and started belting out a rendition of Elvis Presley's "Hound Dog"

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Posted on: Nov 26, 2023 at 4:33 AM

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