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In Memory

Jamie Hopkins

A man who was shot in Bordeaux on Thursday night has been identified as the assistant principal of a Nashville middle school.

Police said Jamie L. Hopkins, 39, was involved in a two-car crash at 9 p.m. after he was shot several blocks away along Clay Street near 12th Avenue.Hopkins, the assistant principal of Jere Baxter Middle School, had an argument with a black man with dreadlocks who is in his late teens or 20s, according to police. Police believe the man shot Hopkins after the argument.

Hopkins did not realize he was initially shot and later crashed into another car in front of a gas station about five blocks away from where the shooting occurred.Hopkins later died from his injuries. The other driver involved in the crash is expected to recover.Police are looking for as many as three men connected to the shooting. The man with dreadlocks was wearing a white T-shirt and black pants and is about 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighs about 200 pounds.It was unclear why Hopkins was in that area of town since he lived about 15 minutes away from where the shooting occurred.Metro schools said Hopkins became an assistant principal at Jere Baxter this past school year. He previously taught at Joelton Middle School. He had a clean police record in Nashville, according to Metro police.