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Classmate Profiles

     User has created a profile: 261
     Profile contains photos: 79
     In Memory: 14
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 11
     Military Service: 8
   Restricted to Spartans only


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 A-Z    Last Updated: 261    Newest Members: 261    Latest Comments: 19  

Marian Battle    
James Bolden    
Dean Bonner    
Ramone Cox   
Kemmons Curry    
Tony Dancy   
Angela Day   
Amy French   
Veda Hamlett    
Brian Helm   
Tod Hill    
Sean Hopkins    
Robert Howard     
Walter Howell    
Pam Hunt   
Ed Jeter   
Alex Kaplan    
Shawn Keener    
Mark Lewis   
Amy Lit   
Chris Long   
Clay Max   
John McGee    
Brian Nason    
Jon Nayles   
James Perry    
Ron Serino   
June Smith   
Rick Smith   
Mario Terry    
John Wright    

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