Orville H Platt
High School
Class of 1965
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Newest Members
Janice Angiletta (Sanger)
Lynda Bohach (Yoder)
Bonnie Marie Borak (Shaw)
Mary Ellen Cossette (Hahn)
Carl Curtiss
JoAnne DeMaria (Zimmer)
Joanne Eno (Pancieria)
Cynthia Rose Falis (Pluta)
Patricia Louise Forcier (Nakos)
Dolores Ann Gowing (Piccoli)
Janice Ellen Grimord (Syzmaszek)
John David Killeen
Richard Anthony Mase
Nancy Jon Mazzarella (Leary)
Paul Gregory Nakos
Bernice Joy Revoir (Obier)
Joanne Marie Richards (Lavoie)
Phyllis Margaret Rieger (Slossberg)
Richard Frank Scali
Ronald Seppa
John Dane Tamburri
Donnalee Upham (Percope)