Serious Stuff

Security Issues and  Fine Print

  • This site is password protected to ensure the privacy of your personal information, as well as that of your fellow Classmates 
  • Please respect the privacy of your Classmates and do not share your password with anyone
  • By default, Classmate Profiles are open to the public so new Classmates will be able to join without a password
  • Each individual Classmate has the ability to limit viewing of his or her Profile to just fellow registered Classmates
  • Each individual Classmate also has the ability to leave their information open to the public, so that it may be shared with friends and family, colleagues, co workers, etc or to be findable in search engines
  • For these reasons, each individual Classmate is allowed to make their own specific privacy decisions
  • Since each Classmate selects the privacy control that they prefer for their personal profile, please do not include any information referencing other Classmates in your profile if your profile is open to the public
  • Only Classmates that graduated in 1973 from MCS are able to fill out a Classmates Profile
  • Any email addresses obtained from this site by other Classmates are to be used only for networking with each other. They are not to be included in any mailing lists for sending "Forwards", spam, solicitations, and other junk mailings. 
  • By registering and using this site, you indicate that you agree to abide by the conditions listed above.

To obtain your password, please click on "Classmate Profiles", find your name and follow the prompts. If you have already registered and wish to change your security settings (highly recommended), go to "Edit Profile", scroll down to the bottom of the page and check the appropriate box

 Your private information is not findable and will never be displayed even if your Profile is left open to the public. Specifically, your email addresses, mailing addresses, and telephone numbers are completely protected and not visible to the public, and not findable/indexable by search engines no matter what

Please note that anyone can still send an email to you by filling out the contact form at the bottom of any Classmate Profile page. This allows open communication between Classmates and non Classmates alike, while protecting Classmates' personal information."

Mail sent to you via the website will show up as coming from  If you have your computer set to divert spam, please adjust your setting to accept emails from so you can get your messages from your classmates.

This system NEVER shows a Classmate's email address no matter what permissions the Administrator or the Classmate has applied. That's why you have a white box to type in when emailing a Classmate instead of an email address link to click on. This is to protect your email address from being inundated by spam.


Thank you for your cooperation


