Dells Reunion 2014

Thanks to Rich Gruenhagen for leading the initiation of the "Boys Weekend" at the Wisconsin Dells for the past 4 years. It has been a fun filled weekend of fishing, golf, shooting guns, playing Sheepshead, but mostly a lot of reminiscing of fun filled days and nights.


WIsconsin Dells Weekend April 2014 - Rivers Edge

Back row: Fred Peebler, Kent Ehley, Bob Haight, Al Shumaker, Bob Schmidt, Bill Anderson

Middle row: Brian Garvey, Marty Goldsmith, Tom Davis, Dan Harms

Front Row: Jim Ihlenfeld, Buzz Wickman, Rich Gruenhagen

Kent Ehley enjoying a brew.

It is all heart healthy food!

The Kids table (Garvey, Anderson, Haight)



WIsconsin Dells Weekend April 2013 - Rivers Edge

Back row: Jim Ihlenfeld, Jim Buege, Kent Ehley, Frd Peebler, Bog Haight, Wally Weiss, Al Shumaker

Middle row: Gary Evans, Bill Anderson, Marty Goldsmith, Buzz Wickman

Front row: Brian Garvey, Rich Gruenhagen


Marty Goldsmith,  Sat. night dinner - we do eat good!

