How to use this site
Welcome RHS Classmates! Thanks for coming by! If this is your first visit, read this page to see how to get started. Make your profile on your own web page and personalize it by adding pictures, You Tube Videos, and Playlists. Discover how to do it all right on this page! Share your page with your classmates, family, and friends.
GET STARTED: Look to the upper left of the page and find "Classmates." Click on it and find your name there. Click on your name and it will take you to a page that says "Join Here." Then "Click here now" and follow the instructions of adding your email and password so you can interact with your classmates. You don't have to finish it all at once. Come back whenever you want to add to or update your information, or add more photos. You can print out this page by choosing "File" from the top menu bar of your Internet connection. A "drop down" list will appear, and click on "Print" OR hold down the CONTROL key and click the letter key "p" and the print box will appear.
IMPORTANT: Please add (or allow) the following email address to your "Safe Senders" list so that your spam blocker will allow emails through from the classmates:
PRIVACY: All contact information you enter into your profile will be kept confidential. It will not be shared or distributed. Your contact information is private: your address and phone number can't be seen by classmates unless you grant permission on your profile. When someone clicks on your name, all they will see of your contact information is your city and state and whatever information about yourself you choose to put on your web page. Your email address is not viewable, though an email can be sent to you using the contact box at the bottom of your web page. However, if you send a message to someone through their profile, they will see your email address so they can respond.
PASSWORD PROTECT: If you choose, you can Password Protect your personal profile to block the general public and search engines from accessing your web page. When you Password Protect, only logged in classmates can see your profile. Just click in the box on your profile page when you are in edit mode.
FORGOTTEN PASSWORD: If you forget your password, click on the "Forgot Password?" retrieval feature under the login feature, and it will be emailed to you.
REMEMBER ME: If you click "Remember Me" when you log in, you will not need to log in next time you go to the site. (Don't log out - just close the window.) You can log in from computers other than your home computer but you will need to enter your password.
CHANGE OF EMAIL OR SNAIL MAIL ADDRESS: Please change your contact information when you get a new ISP or move ... we don't want to lose you. We keep our Class List current by downloading your contact information from this website.
SEND AN EMAIL TO A CLASSMATE: To email a classmate, begin by clicking on "Classmates" in the left navigation menu. A list of all classmates will come up. 1) Click on the name of the person you wish to email and that person's profile will appear. 2) Go to the bottom of the page where you will find a box titled SEND A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO (your classmate's name will be filled in as well as your name in the FROM box). 3) Type a topic in the SUBJECT box. 4) Type your message in the large box. 5) Click on SEND MESSAGE to get your email on its way. Remember: your message can be read only by the classmate you send it to, like any other email.
HAVE FUN WITH YOUR PAGE: Give your family and friends your web page address so they can visit.
SUBSCRIBE: Keep up to date by "subscribing" to other classmate profiles, and you will receive an email when they update their pages. You will find this feature in the left navigation function under "MEMBER FUNCTIONS." It is called "Profile Subscriptions."
HOMEPAGE: This is where the main information and announcements are made. Your admins will email you when there is a new Survey or new Poll. Please participate.
QUESTIONS: Just click on the "Contact Us" button and we'll zip a reply back to you.
Check Messages: In the left navigation panel under the header "MEMBER FUNCTIONS" click on "Check Messages." This will take you to a page that lists all the emails you have received (IN BOX) and all you have sent (OUT BOX). Your messages will remain there until you delete them. A Key at the top of boththe IN BOX and OUT BOX shows symbols representing the status of an email. Each email shows:
A box to check
Its status
Who sent it to you (IN BOX) or who you sent it to (OUT BOX)
Subject and date of email
A red "X"
In both the IN BOX and OUT BOX settings, clicking on sender's name brings up that person's profile page, and clicking on the subject brings up the actual email. Clicking inside the box on the far left or on the red "X" on the far right, will turn the bacground red. This means that the email can be deleted by choosing the tab at the bottom of the page that says "Delete Checked Thread."
POLLS and SURVEYS: Surveys (if there is one currently) will be listed in the left column navigation titles; click on the survey title to bring it up. Polls appear on the right side of the Homepage (if there is one currently). You must be logged in to take a survey or poll and you can answer only once. Your answer is counted in the results as soon as you complete the survey or poll.
FORUMS: To post to a forum, click on "Forums" in the left navigation panel. Feel free to post a new forum topic. If you want to post a picture in the forum: 1) Click on the Image Icon - the little yellow square in the editor box; it's at the top left and the the right of the word "source." 2) In the pop-up click "Browse." Browse to the location of the picture on your computer and click on it. Hint: Change your view to thumbnails to make it easy to find the right picture. 3) Click on "Upload Now" and then "OK" when you are told the upload is complete and you can see your image in the review box. 4) Click "OK" at the bottom of the Image Button box, and your picture will appear in your chosen box. 5) Click "Preview" to see how it will look. 6) Click "Save" when you are finished.
This website was created at website and is maintained by your classmate administrator Leo Kurtz. It is completely free to our classmates. You will never be asked to pay to make a profile or to be able to access other classmate profiles. There will never be a reason to join other PAY sites. THIS is THE place for RHS classmates of '1960.
If you can not find your name on the Classmates page, please contact us to have your name added. We welcome classmates who went to school with us but did not graduate with our class. We can provide you with a guest account. Use the Contact Us link. You can find current guests added at the bottom of the Classmates page.
Main information and announcements will be on the Home Page.
More Instructions:
How to upload pictures to your web page:
- You can upload .jpeg, .gif, .bmp and .png files, but not .tiff. If you want to edit your pictures but don't have a picture editing program, you can download a free one from You can crop out anything you don't like. You don't need to resize your pictures, as they will automatically be resized when you upload them to your webpage.
- When you are ready to add your picture to your personal web page, make sure you are logged in from the Home Page.
- In the links on the left side under MEMBER FUNCTIONS, click on the link: Edit/Upload Photos.
- The Photos for (your name) page will appear and you’ll see a box at the top titled: Upload New Photo. Click on it and you will be at the Upload page.
- Click on the box Add Files. A dialog box with a list of folders on your computer will appear. Locate (browse to) the folder that holds the picture you want to add. For most classmates this will be the My Pictures folder located in the My Documents folder. If you are in the icon view, change your view button (at the top) to show icons as pictures. This makes it easier to find the specific picture you want to upload.
- Click the Upload button to add the picture to your photos. You will now be back at the page Photos for (your name). The next step is to Sort your photos and add a Caption.
- Sort: The Sort number controls the order in which photos display on your page. There are 99999 sort numbers. If you assign Sort numbers 7, 45, 99999, 1, 300, your pictures will show in this order: 1, 7, 45, 300, 99999.
- Add a Caption: Caption is the description you write for your picture.
- If you want to choose one of your pictures to be your Master Photo, click in the Master Photo circle for that picture. Your Master Photo will appear in your emails and forum posts.
- Click the SAVE CHANGES button.
- Now go to your Profile page and look for your picture and caption.
Shortcut for multiple pictures: If you are uploading several pictures that are in different folders, you can copy them to your desktop, then delete them later. Make sure you COPY, not move, your pictures, so you won’t delete the originals.
How to delete a photo from your web page:
- Choose EDIT/UPLOAD PHOTOS under MEMBER FUNCTIONS from the left-hand navigation column. All the photos on your profile page will be displayed.
- Click in the DELETE box above the picture(s) you wish to zap.
- Choose SAVE ALL CHANGES. A pop-up box will ask, "Do you really want to delete this 1 photo."
- Click "OK" and the photo(s) will be removed from your Profile Page.
If you are still having problems, please email me.
How to put a YOU TUBE video on your profile page:
(Please note that if you know html, you can add videos and photos to any part of your profile page.)
Example: you want to put "Graduation Day By The Four Freshmen" video on your site. (If you want to follow along, the URL is
Here are the steps to get the code on your page:
With your mouse, left click once on the white window that contains the code. It should turn blue. (Alternately, you can move your mouse across the box until all the code turns blue.)
- On your keyboard hold down the CONTROL key (Ctrl) and press the letter "C" key. This copies the code.
- On your Edit Profile page, locate the box "Videos."
- Place your cursor inside the box and left click with your mouse.
- Now press the CONTROL key and the letter "V" key on your keyboard. The Embed code will now appear in your box. The code should look like this:
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
- In the Video Description box just below, enter a name for your video or something about your video, like: “Remember Graduation Day?” This will appear just below your video.
- Now click the Save button and go view your page.
- You can go to my page and view my video to see how it should look on the page. The video will appear before your pictures.
If you need help, please email me.
How to put a PLAYLIST on your profile page:
The Playlist will also be placed in your Video box on your Edit Profile page.
- Go to and create an account, then start building your playlist by choosing songs or artists you like.
- Select and copy the code (Control/C) for your playlist at Use "Get the code for any other social network" choice.
- Click in your Video box and paste in the code (Control/V).
- Save your page. You should now be able to view it and hear the music play.
- If you stay logged in to and you find a song you like on someone else's playlist, you can click the add+ sign to add the song to your own playlist. Now enjoy listening to your favorite music.
FORUMS are intended for reconnecting with old friends, making new ones, sharing memories and stories, as well as current interests. Please avoid topics with political and religious messages.
Printing Directions
- Have the desired information showing on your computer screen.
- In Vista, print is on the top left icon. In X-P choose FILE from the top menu bar (left-hand side); a menu list will drop down.
- Choose PRINT and a large box will appear.
- Choose PRINT again, and your directions will print.
- You can also highlight a section you want to print, and on the print menu, choose "print selection."
- You can also get to your print dialog box by holding down the CONTROL key and pressing the letter "P."
The easiest way to send Leo a message (an email) is to click on the navigation link CONTACT US on the left side of the Home Page. A large message box will come up in which you can type in anything you need:
- New information on a classmate.
- Corrections for the site.
- Questions about how to do something on the site.
- Suggestions for improving the site.
- Material or photos you wish considered for a particular page of the site.
- Suggestions for an announcement, survey or forum topic.
COPY and PASTE allow you to take printed material from one source and place it in another. In other words, if you find a particularly interesting paragraph or article you wish to send to a classmate, you can "copy" the text and "paste" it into an email.
- Place your cursor at the beginning of the text and hold down the left mouse button as you guide the cursor over the desired text. The text will be highlighted with a background color, usually blue. (If you find that the information you desire to copy does not highlight, this means the material can not be copied.)
- When you reach the end of the material you wish to copy, release the right mouse button.
- Hold down the CONTROL key and press the key "V." The information will move from the unseen clipboard to your message.
- Place your cursor on the page where you wish your text to appear and click the right mouse button once.
- Hold down the CONTROL key and press the key "V." The information will move from the unseen clipboard to your chosen page.
Many pictures can be copied in the same manner, but please note that you can NOT use this method to transfer photos to our web site.
There are 16 possible pages for the administrator to fill with content, most of which are not active yet. All those in current use will be the first titles listed in the left-hand navigation links column of the website.
To view any of these pages, click on the link of your choice and your desired page will open. You will be able to scroll through the entire content by using the blue sliding bar on the right-hand side of the page.
To go to another page, just choose the link from the left side and click on it. It isn't necessary to close one page before going to another. On many computers, you can Control/left click to open a page in a new window or tab.
On the left side of the web site are links to the things you can do when you are logged into the site. An explanation of each follows:
This feature lists all the emails you have received (IN BOX) as well as those you have sent (OUT BOX) through this web site. Your messages will remain in their respective boxes until you delete them.
A KEY at the top of both the IN BOX and OUT BOX shows symbols representing the status of an email. You will find one of these symbols to the left of each email listed.
Each listed email shows: (1). A box to check, (2). Its status; (3). Either who sent it to you (IN BOX) or who you sent it to (OUT BOX), (4). Subject and date of email, and (5). A red "X."
In both the IN BOX and OUT BOX settings, clicking on sender's name brings up that person's profile page and clicking on the subject brings up the actual email.
Clicking inside the box on the far left or on the red "X" on the far right, will turn the background red. This means that the email can be deleted by choosing the tab at the bottom of the page that says DELETE CHECKED THREAD.
Choosing this feature will allow you to view all of the contact information you entered into your contact information page. You can change your contact information anytime you wish.
Be sure to click the SAVE CHANGES tab at the bottom of the page when you have finished.
Choosing this feature will allow you to change the information that shows on your profile page. Be sure to click the SAVE CHANGES tab at the bottom of the page when you have finished.
To add photos to your profile you must be able to locate exactly where the picture is on your computer. Most of the time, it will be in the folder titled MY PICTURES. Follow the directions further up on this page for adding, deleting, and editing photos.
When you have information you think would be of interest to classmates, you can create your own announcement. The announcement will be forwarded to the administrator who will make it go live on the Home Page.
Profile Subscriptions is a feature that sends you an email anytime a classmate adds new or changes information on his or her Profile Page. This is the easy way to keep up with your classmates.
To subscribe:
- Click on PROFILE SUBSCRIPTIONS and a list of all classmates and guests will appear. Next to each name is a box.
- Click on the box, or boxes, of those you wish to subscribe to. Their name(s) will appear in the area to the right of the original list.
- There is no need to save anything; you now have all the subscriptions you desire. Go on to another page by clicking another topic.
If you wish to change your password, click on CHANGE PASSWORD under Member Functions. A page with 3 sections for you to fill in will appear.
- Type in your PRESENT password.
- Type in your NEW password. A password must have at least five (5) characters.
- Type in your NEW password a second time.
- Click on SAVE button.
If you forget your password, click on the forgot password below your log-in email name, and it will be emailed to you.
The majority of our users select the "stay logged in" option when they log in. Therefore, they will always be logged onto the site until they click the LOG OUT link under Member Functions.
When somebody selects the option to stay logged in, our system allows the user to bypass the login screen when they come back to the site. If you LOG OUT, the next time you will need to enter your email address and password to get into the site. Also, if you access the site from a different computer (for example a laptop), you will need to reenter your email address and password next time you use your main computer.
In order to ensure you receive important messages from our class web site, as well as messages sent directly to you from other Classmates, it's important you whitelist the email address (that's a .net, not a .com).
What is whitelisting? Whitelisting simply means you are telling your email program to accept all emails coming from our class web site and our Classmates. The technique for whitelisting varies by email program, but generally you will see the term "Whitelist", "Safe List", or "Safe Sender's List". This is where you want to be sure you have added the email address
Class Creator, the system that helps us operate our class web site, uses the address when sending out email messages. Be assured that all emails sent through our site are valid — you will not receive spam email. Whitelisting is the single most important thing you can do to ensure you don't miss anything happening on our site or miss receiving emails from your fellow Classmates.
Stop and take a moment to whitelist right now, and ensure you stay connected!