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Yvonne Rateau Johnson

Yvonne Rateau
Residing In: MN USA
Reunion book Bio (300 word limit)

524 W. College Dr #203
Brainerd MN 56401

Right after high school I got a job at Craftsman Press where I met my future husband. I also worked for awhile at two different mortgage companies.

Denny got an opportunity to work at Bang Printing and later became an owner. We moved to Brainerd. We lived on Lake Hubert for 5 years until Denny passed away.

I moved to an apartment in Brainerd then, that just happened to be across the street from the Community College.
I earned two degrees from there; Early Childhood Development and Associate of Science.
I have been working at St. Francis Catholic School since 1991, with preschoolers.
I had a fun time at school and even went to Europe for a class.

We have three children, eight grandchildren and five great grandchildren.
I enjoy spending time with them all.