In Memory

George Stevens

George Stevens


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09/22/10 05:16 PM #1    

William S. Duschik

George was my pal all through junior and senior high school. We met by accident at Minnehaha grade school. He and I bumped into each other one day while leaving the school near the end of 6th grade. That was the start of our friendship.

On Saturdays, while in junior high, we would go down town with our squirt guns and raise hell. But first we would stop off at Woolworths and have a Coney Island hot dog. I would always stop off at his house on the way to the sock hop dances at Nokomis.

George helped be get a job at the Dayton store as a dish washer which turned into a bus boy and then a cooks helper.

George will be missed.

Bill Duschik



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