Uncle Dave's Kids
Family Reunion Site
Welcome to the Uncle Dave's Kids Reunion website. This will be our site for Family Reunion information as well as for keeping track of who is where.
We'll be posting everything from current and past pictures, to videos, to family histories, to details for this year's reunion, so check back frequently.
One thing you'll want to do right away is to update your profile. This is your place to share anything you'd like about yourself, including contact information and recent pictures. Every family member has their own profile page, including children. Even if you're not that computer literate, you'll find it very easy to do. Just follow the instructions here.
You'll also want to go to the history page to learn more about the family geneology (particularly who Uncle Dave was and how you fit into the picture), and to learn about earlier family reunions.
I'm collecting as many reunion pictures as possible, so please look through your albums and e-mail me whatever you can. You can send it to me at dfriedman415@gmail.com. Thanks!
• Ilene Landress