Gordy Eure

Profile Updated: August 22, 2014
Gordy Eure
Residing In: Emerald Isle
Spouse/Partner: Monica Eure
Occupation: Civil Engineer
Children: Hope and Grace. I also have two step children Jacob and Rachel
Gordy Eure


Yes! Attending Reunion
Full Name:

Gordy Eure

Family Residing in Carteret County:

lots of them

Other Places Lived Since High School:


"Schooling" After WCHS:

NC State

Marital Status:


Been Married Since:



NC Dept. of Transportation

What's Keeping Me Busy These Days:

Work, family and try to get a little play time in


I had a much better time at the reunion than I thought I would. Thanks to everyone that had a hand in planning. From where I was standing it went off without a hitch

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Gordy Eure updated profile. View.
Aug 22, 2014 at 1:54 PM