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Good Buddies

by Willie Lagarde

As I may have said before I always thought my war aboard USS Yorktown CV 10 was like a walk in the park compared to that of some of the men who were kin, I worked with or were drinking and fishing buddies post WW2 and years since. In no particular order here are some of them who came to mind as I lay in bed this morning listening to Daniel O’Donnell and Mary Duff. Designated by; CW co-worker; F friend; BL brother-in-law, D, A or U dead, alive or unknown:

Bud G USMC ran up beachheads including Iwo. CW D

Cowboy T USMC Korea, dud mortar round fell at his feet. CW D

Terrel C USMC Korea, helped stack frozen bodies at Chongsin. BL D

Corky S, AAF B17 pilot shot down and hidden by French undergound. CW D

Paul Rominger, AAF B17 pilot shot down taken prisoner. BL D

Paul B, Delta Force enough said. BL D

Frank R, USN three days and nights in water after Indianapolis sinking. F D

Erwin R, USA walked the point from landing into Germany. CW U

Potch, USA assaulted Mt Cassino in Italy. BL D

Johnny S, USA fought in New Guinea. BL D

Charlie F, USA fought in Philippines and Okinawa. BL D

Buster F, USN crewman aboard submarine SS Silversides. F D

Hiram G, USAF F86 pilot over Korea. CW U

Paul Rowan, USN served and KIA on destroyer USS Abner Read F D

Lutchie W, USN served of destroyer USS Dale F D

Joe F UDT frogman (UDT forerunner of SEAL's) F D

Tell you what boys and girls, in those days the question wasn’t “were you in the military”, but rather what, when and where.

Hope the girl walking in the park is smiling because she knew I was gaining on her.

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