In Memory

Robert Cherwin

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09/02/10 01:02 AM #1    

Sandra Conn (Panek/Householder)

When di Robert Cherwin Die????? I just saw him about 4 years ago??


09/02/10 04:28 PM #2    

Greg Vachon

My understanding is our good friend Bob died a few weeks ago due to lung cancer.

About 15 -20 years ago Bob moved to WI with some of his family. 

He will forever be in our hearts.

Rest in Peace my friend.



09/06/10 07:19 PM #3    

Brian Doney (Ssg)

 Robert and I were always friends, family, brothers...

...words are just noises, it's all about feeling.

Nuff said, float by sometime and we'll drink to being little again.


09/22/10 11:27 AM #4    

Bill O'Brien

Hard to believe! I knew Bob going all the way back to Lions Park Elementary School and Lincoln Junior High, probably as far back as fourth grade if I remember correctly.  I no longer knew him much at Prospect, but my memories of him still go back to being little kids together.

12/15/10 12:40 AM #5    

Scott McGrath

I remember having to wrestle Bob often during wrestling practice freshman year.  He was the only guy on the team who reaked of cigarette smoke.  And he was one damn good wrester.  I out weighed the guy by 10 pounds and I could never beat him or even come close.

A lot of guys wrestle because they are angry dudes - it is a healthly place to go with what otherwise is a destructive emotion (uncontrolled anger sure screwed up my life!).  But Bobby was not one of those guys.  He was most often a happy, very funny dude.  I think he wrestled because he had older brothers that did it & taught him (I don't remember for sure). 

But he was a great guy.  He stood out because he made us all laugh.  Rare quality.  Especially among a bunch of sweaty, angry guys in spandex who really needed a smile.

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