In Memory

Gary Hernet

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05/10/10 03:22 PM #1    

Lisa Laney

Awww, no!!!  Gary used to tease me mercilessly, and I loved every minute of it. 

We were in IR all four years, and had Principals of Social Living with Ed Brenner ... and I can't remember the name of the football coach who taught it our freshman year.  Those were classes we were expected to be obnoxious in - cuz IR was for the dumbshits and burnouts, so it was assumed we had limited social control :P - and Gary was one of the most creative with the license we were given.  His evil grin always left me guessing, because he'd proven to me enough times that he secretly had a heart of gold - especially on our annual camping trips - so anything could and usually did happen when Gary was around :D.  (Angie Keady was on all of those trips, too, and the same could be said of her - anything could happen.)  Oh, well, crap, this came as a huge shock and is very, very sad.  Great and fun memories, though, of a very loyal friend.

12/12/11 12:07 AM #2    

Joseph Frawley (Frawley)

Gary was always fun to be around we used to go to the Blackhawk games downtown, we took our teacher Mr. Tanaka with us one evening. Always had a great time.I remember when we went to the Bob Segar concert in 79 at Poplar Creek, we were to meet up in the parking lot after the show. Next thing I know 100 security guards are coming after him, seems he threatned someone with his chromed out bicycle chain belt. They took all our beer and made us leave the event with an escort. Then the tire on his camaro blew out and we stopped traffic while he changed the tire surrounded by security. We were so pissed off at him he just shugged it off. I watched the U.S. hockey team beat Russia (Miracle on Ice) with Gary in his bedroom that evening he was as sick as a dog. Gary and I had many crazy adventures together, I remember the wheel falling off his camaro at 60mph on the expressway in downtown Chicago in the middle of traffic while going to pick up those aforementioned Segar tickets "gee I guess I forgot to tighten the lugnuts" he says to me as he tells "me" to go across 2 lanes of traffic to retrive his wayward tire.Gary was always fun to hang around with back then as he was always up to something crazy. He was always talking about his sisters how they drove him crazy but he was always looking out for them. Gary had a heart of gold, he helped me out in a time of need that I never forgot. I still think about him and am sorry he passed. I'm sure heaven is a much crazier place now. Rest in Peace Gary.

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