Tom Alexander
Just thought I'd send a note prior to the 45th Reunion "Gathering at Gail's" reminiscing memories, 45 + 12 years ago in the 1st Grade with Miss Clara McCombs. I didn't attend the whole school year as I had been hospitalized with rheumatic fever for 9 months prior to attending. We were such a rowdy little group, sitting at long tables with little wooden chairs. Endless days of coloring mimeographed drawings, learning A,B,C's and reading.."See Sally run,, run, run. I sat at one of the front tables with Brian, Bruce, Alan Godfrey with me on the right end.
I was one of those who couldn't tie my shoes in the 1st Grade. Alan who sat next to me would always help me with my "Buster Browns" and tie them. He had other things to do besides cater to me all the time and he sat me down and taught me how to tie them myself. He also showed me the correct bathroom to go into as I had been going in the girl's bathroom. Heck, the plumbing looked right as we didn't have those things hanging on the wall at home.
I remember Bruce and Brian too. I knew Bill, Chris, Tommy Gill and some of the other classmates from the Kiddie Park but I didn't know Bruce and Brian. I remember introducing myself on my first day in class, "You must be the Coward Twins" and I'll always remember Bruce's answer...."No we're not"!!!!
Miss McCombs was always fussing at Susan Bates, and Mary Montieth for not sitting still. Susan was a big gal for her age and had a white eye patch over her eye. Susan and Mary would continuously twist in their seats swaying their legs back and forth constantly annoying Miss Clara.
There was the day that Markie Carringer decided to bring her neighbor, 3 year old Clark Bourne to school with her. Lord only knows how Miss McCombs treasured with pride her aquarium. We all would take turns feeding her fish, but under her supervision and we knew not to stick our hands in the water. There was one heck of a calamity when Clark was found unsupervised splashing and floating a boat in the back of the room in her aquarium. Markie was dismissed to take Clark home.
There were the normal "pocket checks", where pockets were emptied to disclose toys brought from home. Isn't that right,...Victor?
I remember my first episode of "civil disobedience". Miss McCombs when out of the room and I took over trying to incite a riot. "She's the devil, she's an old cow".. then she walks in on my peformance. The race was on, around the room with Miss McCombs in tow just a few steps behind. I was lucky that day as she tired and never caught me. I painfully learned later that week, that teachers have a way of cornering parents at the A&P and disclosings all activities. Years later in High School I would grind feed for Miss McCombs' brothers, Dillard and Willard and see her working in the yard with her big straw hat. She didn't remember those antics, but she'd always give me a hug and would recall that I was a more than a "hand full".
I also remember her car.... a light gray 1953 Pontiac Chieftan... and the day I first saw her cry, the morning after the Elementary School burned in 1961.
Just a few of my memories..... (We won't talk about finding a private place and using the bathroom outside)
Sorry that I can't make the reunion. I really just don't feel well and have too many numerous health problems to elaborate on....But, I do want all of y'all that do attend to "Have a wonderful time"!!!!