In Memory

Robert Lee (Bobby) Sallie

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06/06/11 07:29 PM #2    

Judy Kay Wilson (Synar)

Every time I drive by Sallie Park I'm reminded of the fact that there are not too many people left in Muskogee who know how the park got its name.  If I have children in the car while driving by, I always tell them the story of Bobby, how he died, and why Sallie Park was built/named for him; there should be a marker there of some kind......

08/21/11 08:52 AM #3    

Lisa Scott (Harbison)

Bobby's funeral was the first I ever attended..I can still recall how grief stricken his Mother was. I would later have a younger brother of his in class. Such a sweet boy, life is never quite fair..we miss him.

11/22/13 04:00 PM #4    

Michael Wilson (Huff)

Gordon: Bobby Sallie was not injured at Rotary Park. He was hit in the 2600 blck of Garland in a vacant lot on the south side of Garland between James and David Stevenson's house and Mrs. Kilbrian's (sp?) Kindergarten. I was across the street at Jackie Elliott's house and we were watching the kids ballgame. Of course, no one knew until the next day the extent of his injury.

11/23/13 03:49 PM #5    

Sharon Owen (Myers)

Bobby Sallie did not live very far from me and on his way home from the ballgame he came by the house and I was out in the garage and he stopped by and visited at which time he told me that he had gotten hit in the head with a baseball at the game.  He said he was O.K. just had a little head ache.  He didn't act like he felt bad and there was no mark on his head.  He showed me that he had been hit in the temple area.  He stayed a little while and we talked and then he went on home.  Wasn't till school that I found out he had passed away.  He was always happy and fun to be around!

11/23/13 04:48 PM #6    

Jim Roberts

i was in that ball game,,,bobby was pitching the batter hit the ball hard and it hit bobby in the temple,,,he seemed alright but left the game to go home where he layed down and went to sleep,his mother tried to revive him,she drug him to the shower to try and wake him to no avail,,he was taken to the hospital and pronounced DOA,,he and i played knothole ball together for 3 years,,he was a great kid and full of energy,,,RIP Bobbie

11/23/13 05:11 PM #7    

Sharon Owen (Myers)

You are right, but he did come by my house after the game before he went home for whatever reason.  I am so sure that he said he was on his way home.

06/03/16 11:44 PM #8    

Michael Wilson (Huff)

Sharon Owen (Myers): He probably did go from the 2700 block of Garland to Rotary Park then by your house to his house on Garland because when we were 11 we probably never walked directly home from anywhere.

06/04/16 01:54 PM #9    

Bob Williams

Bobby was indeed hit in the temple by a batted ball while we were playing in the vacant lot on Garland. After it happened we went to my house which was in the next block on Garland. Later that afternoon Bobby said he didn't feel well and I rode him home on my bicycle. He died that night. At that time he was one of my best friends.

Bob Williams



06/04/16 03:49 PM #10    

Judy Newkirk (Kelley)

I remember so well how hollow I felt the next day when word came that Bobby was dead. I recall so many details, including the attempt to revive him in the shower.  It was surreal and remains so to this day. My dad was on the park board, and I remember his coming home from a meeting and telling me the new ballpark would be named for Bobby. I assumed the idea came from him as a dad affected by Bobby's death. Thank you for this reminder and to all who posted their remembrances. Bobby still lives.

06/04/16 06:40 PM #11    

Michael Wilson (Huff)

Bob Williams: I was pretty sure that you were playing in the game we were watching, but after 61 years I wasn't positive. I was watching it with Jackie Elliott, MArsha Kirkpatrick and maybe Suzanne Wood. Judy Newkirk: Sallie Park was not a new park. The old Robison Park where Knothole baseball games were played was just renamed Sallie Park. It was renamed Ruby Park after Russell Ruby died and then the Ruby family allowed it to go back to being called Robison Park with a Sallie Park sign in Bobby's memory. Just glad to know the statue is now at Hatbox Field.

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