In Memory

Colleen Perry

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04/19/17 04:52 PM #1    

Vicky Vickers (Rentz)

I remember Colleen and that gorgeous red hair.  I was sorry to see that she had passed.  I hope it wasn't painful for her.

07/24/17 07:36 PM #2    

Gerald Potts

Colleen and I went steady during High School.  We broke up one night.  She took off angry in her little Metro. Before going inside, I waited to hear her tires screeching as she rounded the corner in front of Vichy Springs.  I never heard the screech, but heard a WHUMP, instead.  I drove down to see if something had happened, but there was nothing there.  I decided to drive to her parents house to make sure she got home OK, but she wasn't there.  I drove back to my parents house and there was an ambulance there.  Colleen ran off the road in front of Vichy Springs, hit a log, and flipped into the creek upside down, crawled out of the creek to my parents house a half mile away - all with a broken back.  I think about it every night; I should have looked down into the creek. Amazingly, she recovered from that.  I saw her at a picnic at Napa JC a couple of years later, but then heard a few years after that, that she had died, although I don't know exactly when or why. Then, just a couple of years ago, someone told me that she was still alive, so I don't really know.  It would be nice to know the facts. Colleen was a good person.

07/07/23 06:36 PM #3    

Karla O'Neill (Ojeda)


Colleen's son (my godchild) lives in Japan. I passed your comment to him. You can reach him via email at  michael@youmewenpo.Org. Hope to see you at the reunion. 


Karla O'Neill Ojeda


07/08/23 04:43 PM #4    

Gerald Potts


Thank you, so much.  Yes, Michael contacted me.  I very much appreciate your arranging that contact.

I'm still working a little (engineering consulting for the Electric Power Research Institute).  Obligations there are causing me to miss the next reunion.  Please say hello to Larry Buck, Jerry Larghi, Ken Dorrough, and anyone else who might remember me.  I was hoping to talk with you also, especially now that I know you were Coleen's children's godmother..


Jerry Potts

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