In Memory

Phil Sanders

Phil died in 1999 as the result of a car accident between Nashville and Ashland City. He was loved by his friends at DLHS, some of whom served as pallbearers. Phil was a wonderful man with a beautiful heart, attitude, and smile. We miss him and honor him with our memories.

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10/01/08 10:22 AM #1    

Chad Edwards

Phil was a great guy and a great friend. He was the kind of guy I would see 2 or 3 times a year, but it was like we talked every day. I miss him. I will never forget him picking up that fumble and falling flat on his face less than 10 yards from the endzone with nothing but daylite in front of him. He then proceeded to beat the ground in the middle of the game.

10/27/08 02:08 PM #2    

Beth Campbell (Light)

Phil was a beautiful soul. He was always the same, always consistent and always cared. He would have been a wonderful husband and father. He was always there when I needed him, just quiet and listening at times, but there to offer much needed support. About six months before he passed, he came over and had dinner with me. He bought me The Titanic on VCR tape. We watched it together. I don't even own a VCR now but I will never get rid of the tape. His kindness will always live on and I miss him very much.

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