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•   Richard Turner Johnson  9/25
•   William Henry Hyams, Ph. D.  9/28
•   Donald Beasley  9/29
•   Ben T. Kirk, Ph. D.  10/1
•   Kayla Bernard, Ph. D. (Carruth)  10/4
•   Linda Johnson (Langston)  10/6
•   Martha Ann Scott, B. S. (Trinko)  10/13
•   Beverly Kay Sutton (Young)  10/19
•   Wilton Edward Hearron  10/20


•   John Monroe Gongre, Jr.  8/29
•   Selby Jean Leach (Thomas)  1/3
•   Sylvia Thelma Durham (Henderson)  4/4
•   Wilton Edward Hearron  3/3
•   Karl Bailey  6/19
•   William Henry Hyams, Ph. D.  10/3
•   Janette Fae Lofton (Brooks)  7/17
•   Eddy Miller  11/6
•   Wm "Billy Dick" Richmond Holly  8/21
•   Ginger Huson (Horton)  1/11
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
1 lives in Arizona
1 lives in Arkansas
2 live in Colorado
2 live in Georgia
1 lives in Kansas
1 lives in Kentucky
61 live in Louisiana
1 lives in Mississippi
1 lives in New Mexico
1 lives in Ohio
1 lives in Oklahoma
1 lives in Oregon
1 lives in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Tennessee
17 live in Texas
22 location unknown
61 are deceased

Natchitoches High School
Natchitoches, Louisiana
Class Of 1960


4/9/14  Added obituary for classmate Billy Joe Smith to In Memory page.

4/5/14  Added obituary for classmate Janet Ainsworth to In Memory page.

2/28/14  Added obituaries for classmates Robert Lee and Hubert Strickland.

1/24/14  Added obituary for Curtis Guillet, longtime Natchitoches photographer, to  "User Forums""Condolenes" page

11/23/13. Added obituary for Edward Desadier, NHS Class of 1960

08/16/12 Added obituary for I.V. "Buddy" Butler, NHS Class of 1956

07/22/12 Added obituary for James "Burke" Cobb, grandson of James & Sharon Cobb

07/05/12  Added obituary for Johnnie Lee Cobb, mother of James Cobb

06/14/12  Added obituary for Ronald H. Smith, NHS Class of 1957, and husband of Pat Choate, NHS Class of 1958.

06/06/12 Added obituary for Bessie Mae Leo Martin, NHS Class of 1957.  Bessie's sister, Doris, is also from the '57 class.

05/19/12 Added obituary for Dr. Bewell Combs, NHS Class of 1956, to "User Forums" "Condolences"

05/19/12 Added obituary for Charles Mercer "Buddy" Scott, Jr., brother of our classmate, Martha Scott Trinko, to "User Forums" "Condolences"

05/12/12 Added to the "Kudos" page about Raymond & Tish Sanders' grandson, Cullen Hanks, award and acceptance to the U.S. Naval Academy.

04/26/12 Added post to "User Forums" "Genealogy" - if anyone posts something new, other than your profile which automatically shows and update, let me know so I can show an update here to bring attention to it.  Otherwise folks might not look through the whole site to see if there is something new.

04/16/12 Added photo of Gene Book to "Condolence" page, still no obituary available

04/15/12 No obituary yet but posted information relating to passing of Gene Book, NHS Class of 1958 to "User Forums" "Condolences"

04/15/12 Added obituary for Suzie Yvonne Thomason Brown, NHS Class of 1959

04/10/12 Added obituary/photo for Henrietta Dalme, NHS Class of 1944, to "User Forums" "Condolences"

04/08/12 Added obituary for Margie Louise Bishop McLamore, mother of Jackie McLamore Crew, NHS 1961 to "User Forums" "Condolences"

03/20/12 Added new gallery to "Photo Galleries"  "NHS Building(s)"

03/16/12 Added Jukebox Favorites to "User Forums" "Things That Make Us Remember".  You can listen to the top 20 pop or country, by specific year, from 1940 on, and it appears that you can even do it while playing games. 

03/02/12 Check out the new forum on "User Forums" "Things That Make Us Remember", especially Ben, Herbert, Nonie, John Harry, Robert Gimbert and other band members.

02/28/12 Added photo of Tori Thompson, NSU's 2012 Lady of the Bracelet to "Kudos" page.  She is the granddaughter of Sue Lindsley Champion and Von Champion.

02/27/12 See "Message Forum" for latest on "girl's get together" in Natchitoches on the 22nd of Feb.  Haven't received a photo yet tho.

02/24/12 Added obituary & photo to posting in "Condolences" for Steffanie Leonard.  News article reports the wrong way driving driver admitted she was drunk and thought she was in a taxi.  She is being charged with vehicular homicide.

02/22/12 Added info from Nashville, TN Channel 5 website to "User Forums" "Condolences" regarding the niece of Charlene Rollo Singletary, Stephanie Leonard, being killed in an auto crash on I-64 in Nashville this morning. Stephanie is the daughter of Charlene's sister, Martha Rollo Leonard.

02/07/12 Added obituary for Jimmy Lawrence Hollingsworth, NHS Class of '63


Steel Magnolias and Friends

Thoughts of 1942 - 2010, etc.

by Joan Edwards

Oh how I remember the days of youth

When women wore dresses and men wore hats

Men had jobs and women stayed home

Children were expected to mind and listen to their elders

They played in their neighborhoods till dark, and then they often caught fireflies as they lit-up the night

Games were favorites, bicycles were a must.  Swimming at the Country Club or Kisatchie Creek was a delight.

The polio scare affected our lives.  Swimming pools were closed.  People were advised not to congregate.

Children were encouraged to rest after lunch with the attic fan, window fan or just an oscillating fan cooling the house down.  Of course windows were open.

A pallet was formed out of a quilt or blanket to make those wood floors more comfortable.  There was no carpet back then, only a rug or two.

Our food was often home grown and simply home made.  Vegetables from the garden and meat grown on our land was usually the fare.

Parties often consisted of watermelon and ended with children spitting seeds to see how far.

Ice cream parties were fun.  Everyone took a turn turning the crank or sitting on the ice cream maker to steady it.  It was a cool seat that didn't last long.

The lucky few got to eat out at Murphy's Restaurant, the Triangle Cafe or Chef Edys.

I just happen to have his salad dfressing recipe if you'd like it!

Cars weren't fancy back then but a few students did sport them.

Guys wore flat tops.  Shirts that better be tucked in and school shoes for sure (Sneakers were for gym)

Most of our clothes came from stores on Front Street.  Like Todds, American Chain, West Brothers, Morgan Lindseys, Hughes, DeBliewuxs, and Quality Shoe Store.

Walking Front St. back then was different.  My escort was my Mother who shopped at the A & P and taught me how to shop for groceries.

Etiquitte was a must and we soon learned the rules.  Dances were held for us so that we could practice the social graces.  Dances that I remember were the Waltz, Two-step and Jitterbug.

There was no hanky panky on the dance floor.  Others would gather round to watch those who really knew how!!

As young children we shared one another's birthday parties along with school events.

Bicycles rusted, games were tossed aside new responsibilities came into our lives in 1960.

Graduation brought change and maturity.  Many went off to work, others to college and some to matrimony.  The babies began to come whether we were ready or not.  Bills got paid and we were shocked.  Parents continued to encourage us.

Our dewy young skin took on a more mature look.  Our interests shifted to feeding, clothing and discipling our young.  Many guys were in the service seeing foreign places writing to family and friends.

Times changed so much till one day I began to notice a thickening waistline, crows feet and wrinkles.

OH MY could this be!  I read that one day hair color would change and it did.

But one thing that hasn't changed is one's outlook on life and the ability to reach out to others.

The bond that we share is still there, even though, we may not recognize each other--fond memories remain.

Memories of beautiful hair, shapely figures, smooth flawless skin----

Now as I look into the mirror I may or may not see hair, shapely figures are there but not of the school girl kind and skin is there with its sags, bags, wrinkles and gathers.

Now I look to see the eyes that twinkle and grins that were always there.  Kind words remain shyness is gone.

Now we remain encvouragment for the young in our lives remembering all those who were part of our lives.  Family, Friends, Teachers and classmates.

Others in our lives have gone on but their memory remains leaving strenth for our bones and tired hands.

I've left out one bit of our lives and that's the church.  It may have changed some but its still standing and its doors are open for whoever wants to enter.

I entered those doors back in the 50's and I thank God for those who didn't give up on me!  Giving up on life is not an option and the best is yet to come.

In Him,

Joan Edwards

(Joan didn't ask for this but please ask her permission before using this elsewhere and give her credit)


Welcome to the Natchitoches High Class Of 1960 web site.  It's over, our 50 year high school reunion has come and gone, a relief for those actively involved in the preparation but also  a letdown.  There may not be as much activity now as there was in the time leading up to the reunion but there is no need for us to now lose contact and stray from the new and renewed friendships.

It is important to keep our website updated with your current contact information, telephone numbers, mailing addresses, and email addresses.  We will probably have another reunion in five years, not as big maybe, but just as enjoyable so we need to know how to contact you and maybe find those we were unable to locate this time.  We also want to keep up with those we lose in the meantime, at our age, we know we will not be as many in five years.

We still have some 50 year reunion books available for $20, includes $15 for the book and $5 for the mailing.  The $15 will be deposited with the class bank account, administered by Karen Welch Dodd and Glenelle Pearce Brown, for use in a future reunion.

You can still participate in the website via the User Forum, the Message Forum, by adding photos, etc., to your profile page and clicking on the "update profile" so that all know there's something new on your profile.

I'm going to attempt to learn and do some new things on the website to keep it interesting.  Suggestions are welcome and participation is celebrated!









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