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03/13/10 11:32 AM #2094    

Joseph Ales

More Quotes

- “Stupid, worthless, no good, god damn, free loading, son of a bitch, retarded, big, mouth, know it all, asshole, jerk. You forgot ugly, lazy and disrespectful – shut up bitch, go fix me turkey pot pie”

- "Do you realize it is snowing in my room god-dammit?"

- “Hey Stroker, your hair looks real nice………. Yeah I know”

Bonus Quote

- “Your mother says you’re a nice guy…. Any comment?”

03/13/10 12:45 PM #2095    

Joseph Ales

03/13/10 03:57 PM #2096    

Martin Derenge

T.J. - I still laugh when I watch Seinfeld, that show was great.

Joe - 1st quote is Breakfast Club isn't it?

03/14/10 07:33 PM #2097    

Tj Balinski


For some reason, now that I am 40 I got the great idea to once again do the things i used to. I am playing hockey 2-3 times a week with kids half my age (ouch it hurts saying that) and started training for an 18-over hardball league. I think someone is in total denial! i like the comments though.

yes breakfast club was first,and isnt that stroker ace second? Keep'em coming Ales.

03/14/10 09:13 PM #2098    

Joseph Ales

Correct and Correct

03/15/10 06:49 PM #2099    

Tj Balinski

hey Joe,

How about ". . .real smooth Cliff."
"I'm at a loss."

03/15/10 07:16 PM #2100    

Joseph Ales

Cheers and Weird Science

03/16/10 05:49 PM #2101    

Tj Balinski

here's another clue:

.."be polite to his parents.(doorbell rings, Dong hanging on the door) What? Never seen an oriental guy before? Quit being such wimps!"

03/16/10 06:08 PM #2102    

Joseph Ales


Allow my to retort (Pulp Fiction)

"What's Happen Hot Stuff!!!!"

"you beat up my face" "You grabbed my N***s"

03/16/10 08:18 PM #2103    

Ronald Hollis

sixteen candles

03/16/10 08:24 PM #2104    

Ronald Hollis

here's a couple more 80 classic's

no shirt,no shoes, no service

i'm sorry i blew up your mom Ricky

03/16/10 08:56 PM #2105    

Joseph Ales

I thought it was no shirt, no shoes, No Dice.

03/16/10 09:33 PM #2106    

Joseph Ales

03/17/10 09:54 AM #2107    

Michael Thompson

I've finally retired from full contact touch football. Last season one of the teams managed to pick up three guys that had failed out of University of Maryland and lost their scholarships.

I knew the end was near when one of these guys told me he'd be waiting for me in the parking lot, and my response was, "You'll be waiting a long time. I'll be sleeping on the field tonight. You're 20 and in shape, I'm almost 40 and fat." Time to hang up the cleats.

03/18/10 06:46 PM #2108    

Tj Balinski


Funny. I played in a hockey game monday that turned into detroit-colorado all over again. Leave it up to young hot headsto ruin a good time. In case you were wondering, I got a penalty for delay of game because I was to busy shooting the puck off the boards while everyone else was fighting. Good times!

03/19/10 01:53 PM #2109    

Christopher Gellasch

i'm sorry i blew up your mom Ricky

-Better Off Dead

03/22/10 10:12 PM #2110    

Christine Meldrum (Babisch)

I love "Sixteen Candles" and of course "Better off Dead". Not to many people know about that movie. Sad. "I want my two dollars!!!"

I'm sitting here working at 10 p.m. GREAT!! This is like watching paint dry so I figure I would log on and see what you boys were up to. JOEY....TJ is right, you should be a game show host. Are you this funny with your family???

Yeah 40 is not that bad. Unless you think of it as halfway to 80. Remember we did not know half the things that we know now for the first half of 40. We just thought we did. Now we can actually do something with the knowledge. :)

03/22/10 10:15 PM #2111    

Christine Meldrum (Babisch)

I find it very amusing that it took me 40 years to actually calm down and act some what normal. Yeah 40 years. WOW.

03/23/10 01:13 PM #2112    

Joseph Ales


I'm positive that my family does not find me all that amusing. Perhaps I've run out of material for my wife and my kids think that I am getting less cool everyday. That's OK, I'm sure Letterman's family feel the same way about him (bad example).

03/23/10 04:11 PM #2113    

Lisa Miller (Shedlock)

Let me know when "the Joey Show" airs. I want tickets to that! 'Guess that 80s movie quote' could follow your 'top 10 list things you can do when you are over 40 that you couldn't do in high school'. Would Murphy have to be your cohost?

03/24/10 12:31 PM #2114    

Joseph Ales

I would welcome Jeff as my Andy Richter any time.

03/24/10 01:30 PM #2115    

Joseph Ales

The last few weeks have brought the following headlines.

1) Tiger Woods set the record straight (at least as far as he was concerned) with two five minute interviews (one with the Golf Channel and one with ESPN). In the interview he addressed some of the questions surrounding his affairs, the car crash, sex rehab and his golf future. Talk about great advisers. Limit questions to five minutes, state that some issues are private and story over. I think I should employ this approach in my own life. Like the next time I go for a job interview, I limit the interview to five minutes, or the next time my wife wants to know what I did on the "guys" weekend in Las Vegas, I limit the questions to five minutes with some answers including "that's a private matter between me and the guys". Does any of the non-golf fans have more interest, less interest or no change in interest in seeing how he does at the Masters?

2) Speaking of cheaters, how about poor Sandra Bullock. And he (Jessie James) seemed like such a nice guy. I can't believe he would cheat, let alone with a girl with a tattoo on her face. Let this be a warning to all the good girls out their that have always had a thing for the "Bad Boys", don't be surprised when they behave badly. Whats next killer wales will start killing people at Sea World (I know, bad example).

3) In politics (a subject I try to avoid due to pure non-interest) the big news was the passing of a new health care policy that some claim equates to socialized health care, while others call it a revolutionary vision for the future. I must say I don't know a lot about the details of this bill, but I assume that's the way the politicians want it. Like with many decisions that take place in my own household that get made without my input I will wait to see how it affects me, then bitch about it after the fact.

4) Lastly, I would like to recommend the new ABC show Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution. I know that my diet has never been one to brag about as I only recently found out that Vitamin C did not stand for Coney. But the show looks interesting and sadly points out how bad, nutrition in America has gotten. The show airs on Friday at 8:00 EST / 7:00 CST.

Back to enjoying spring break with the family.

03/24/10 10:17 PM #2116    

Raequel Olcese (Tomsich)

And that was not so Breaking News from Joseph Ales. And now, back to our regularly scheduled program.

03/25/10 12:02 PM #2117    

Tj Balinski

Way to keep a good thing going Ales. Not many people could do the job you are doing on this sight. Your knowledge knows no boundaries. From Tiger talk to socialist take-over, your show pulls no punches. Who needs late night when there is all-Joey-all-the-time!


03/25/10 07:20 PM #2118    

Ronald Hollis

Is 40 the official age when you have to start acting grown up? Not looking forward to October. It's funny how everyone stopped checking on the web site after the reunion.

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