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•   Sandy Harlow  10/20
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•   Marion Platt  7/27
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•   Linda Prescott  10/25
•   Janet Richmond  10/26
•   Heather Varian  10/27
•   Thomas Lanigan  11/9
•   Laura Robinson  11/9
•   Lily Killiam (Mitchell)  11/16
•   Christine Metcalf (Palomaa)  11/16
•   Greg Raymond  11/17
•   Peter Rucci  11/17
•   Ann Thurber  11/18
•   Talley Guill  11/20


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September 19, 1948 – February 15, 2024 

By Chris Koloskus and Mike Suffredini


Roy hung out with Mike Gilroy and us throughout high school as we shared some common interests that served to build our acquaintance into real friendship. Mike and Mike played football while Roy and Chris played hockey. Depending on the season, weekends would see us gathered at Chris’ home to watch football or at Roy’s home to watch hockey (or for comic diversion – wrestling!). Occasionally there were excursions to Madison Square Garden to watch the Rangers live. We came to know each other through these moments and were always at ease with a lot of laughs. 

When we graduated and each headed in his own direction, Roy went to do a post graduate year at Trinity Pawling School. When we got together in that summer of 1967 Roy led our group to somewhat more sophisticated social venues like Vahsen’s and Cobblestone in Portchester and Mike Malkan’s in NYC. That fall Roy started at Saint Lawrence University in NY. But at the end of his first year he withdrew and enlisted in the U.S Marine Corps. He did basic training at Paris Island at Camp Lejeune,N.C. With that completed the Marine Corps saw potential in Roy and sent him to Officer Candidate School in Quantico, VA. When that training was done, he was commissioned a Lieutenant. He went to Vietnam to command a company of Marines in combat. A patrol he was leading encountered enemy action and there were several marines killed and wounded. Roy was among the wounded having been hit by shrapnel from a mine. He recuperated at a hospital in Japan and completed his commission at Quantico. He was honorably discharged at the rank of Captain. While he recovered from his physical wounds, the combat experience left him with post-traumatic stress disorder which affected him for the rest of his life. 

After the Marines, Roy joined Mike Gilroy and Chris in Denver. Roy met and married his first wife, Carol, and enrolled at Colorado University where he earned his bachelor’s degree. The marriage failed after a few years. Roy then went to Houston where he took a job managing crews constructing new homes. His second marriage to Glenda was marked by separation and reconciliation and eventually divorce. A third marriage lasted only six months. During this time Roy would find sales jobs that fit with his gregarious nature but his PTSD difficulties would lead to having to move on. For a while he lived with family members. Roy was largely out of touch during this time.

When Roy reconnected with us he was living in North Carolina and was supported through benefits from the Veterans Administration. He had contracted a severe infection that resulted in the amputation of his leg. He was not a candidate for a prosthetic limb so he was confined to a wheelchair. We would keep in touch by phone and talk about plans. Roy had many positive memories of NCHS and wanted very much to come to the Class of ’66 planned 55th Reunion and to see New Canaan again. However, his health issues prevented him from attendingleaving him severely disappointed. Some retired marines whom he had led in Vietnam tracked him down to the VA hospital and held a reunion with him which meant a great deal to him. In January, 2024 we were talking about our respective favorite hockey teams and their prospects for making the Stanley Cup playoffs. In February he died as a result of the chronic infection. His remains will be interred at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.

Roy was a great raconteur who could captivate a group with tales of his experiences leaving us laughing with him at the humor and absurdities of life. After his service experience hehad a tormented spirit which he suffered alone. Still, he was a true friend. We miss him.

