In Memory

Doug Crichton

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03/01/16 01:40 PM #1    

Thomas Dapice

Libby Dunne, Barb Scott and Doug were on the Lake Club's swimming team in the northeast quadrant of town. I walked past Doug's house to get to my tennis lessons and learn the finer points of becoming a pool rat.  We both sailed, hung out for a time and later were on the board of the literary magazine.  My favorite story was when I stopped by one afternoon, and he was beside himself.  He had figured out how Picasso has rendered a man's face in a cubist style, and had drawn it from his new understanding. His enthusiasm was infectious.  He was a happy guy.  After he left NCHS for the wider world, I saw him only once at Harvard.  Life had become more complicated. 


03/03/16 10:48 AM #2    

Peter Rucci

Doug was a super guy and his passing left the world a poorer place.  I remember his kindness and sense of humor, aside from the fact that he was really smart!!

05/15/16 10:41 PM #3    

Melinda Nield (Irvine)

I think Doug came into NCHS our jr year a month or so after school started and joined our AP US History class. He amazed me because he'd often read a book and seem not tuned in to a discussion,  but then from time to time would make a perceptive and totally brilliant comment. A very smart guy and totally comfortable just being himself and not trying to conform.

08/17/16 06:22 PM #4    

Ann Thurber

When Doug and I had lunch at Gates Restaurant in 2012, little did I know that joining Doug and his wife, Deb, for a studio date would never happen.  Gate of memory...the photo of Doug costumed as a guard for "The Mouse that Roared," reading so intently until  his curtain call; getting together on campus during college years; sharing a meal in L.A. in the 80's; attending his mother's memorial service; and finally, sitting across from a long time friend at table, listening to him allow and accept all that had been his life with genuine awareness and joy while intent on encouraging hope for the future.  Thank you for Being.    

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