In Memory

John Vernon

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08/12/16 09:12 AM #1    

Lauren Holt

While I never knew John personally I remember him as being pretty spirited. He had been in the Class of 1965 originally, and somehow ended up with us for a while as so many others did. Changing graduating classes seemed to go both ways, up and down, so we made a lot of friends that we wouldn't have otherwise had. That was a REAL blessing ( think: Greg, Butch, and Tom- and the laughs we had because of them!) I think I remember John having been friends with some of the guys that have now passed also, like Buddy Watt, Jack Johannessen and people in the Class of 1965 that I didn't know well. He never seemed to be a loner, so his personality must have been winning. The smile he displays in the photo is impish looking, a sure guarantee of attracting like minded friends!

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