In Memory

Evelyn Wunderwald

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06/02/16 08:48 PM #1    

Maggy Wolf (Gilbert)

I remember Evelyn in elementary school.  We always sat in the back rows together since were we seated alphabetically.  She was a sweet girl and I was always intrigued by her exotic looks.  Bob dated her in high school briefly and always remembers her as a sensitive and kind-hearted woman.  The other thing Bob remembers is that her father was a submarine officer in the German army.  Evelyn and her 1/2 brother, Rolf, and parents were brought over under the auspices of a church program, possibly the Congregational Church.  Does anyone remember Rolf's speech for student office when he started off with "As you know, I was born abroad"...?   We all started laughing uproariusly to his confusion....Ah, idioms.

07/03/16 07:58 PM #2    

Lauren Holt

So gorgeous, S-O-O-O-O sophisticated, and so nice all at once.I wanted to BE her in 8th grade. She was gentle, kind and thoughtful too. Every single thing that all of the rest of the awkward girls wanted to be,and everything the boys at that awkward age wanted to daydream about. Beautiful through and through.So glad I had a chance to know how truly enviable she was. 

07/04/16 02:18 PM #3    

Dan Bulakites (Burnett)

     Evelyn lived just around the corner from the house I grew up in, and we had the same or similar classes in school since about 5th grade.  She became fast friends with my Mother, and to the day she died, she was probably my Mother's closest friend.  She died within days of my Step-Father passing, and it was of course a very hard time for my Mother.    I remember Evelyn always coming over to our house when I was a kid and her telling us stories about her escapades with this boy friend or that boy friend.  I always thought that she loved to boost about all the places she'd been to and all the things she had seen, but in retrospect she was absolutely gorgeous and could get any "Guy" she wanted.    

    She worked for a short while after school as a model, but then got married and started a family.  The years were not kind on Evelyn, she had a number of heath problems and gained quite a bit of weight.  But she always thru the years had that beautiful exotic face.  I saw her on numerous occassions either when she was visiting my Mother in San Diego, or just visiting her in Chicago.  Her husband John took me to my 1st baseball game at Wrigley Field.  Evelyn was like a sister to me, and her and her husband John were two of the most kind and generous people on this earth.  She will be truly missed.















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