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Not an announcement but a question/observation: who has watched the “Treme” TV series from 10 or so years ago? We just finished bingeing it a month or so ago and I was wondering if I correctly spotted Thomas Sancton playing his clarinet along with others in a jazz band in a Preservation Hall scene. It was in season 3, episode 5, a brief scene but enough to look an awful lot like him. The series was excellent, by the same director as The Wire, with several common actors. Highly recommend it, but I could also understand how it might be hard to watch for our classmates who lived through Katrina and the on-going aftermath. I thought it was a great tribute to the music, food and culture that makes New Orleans such a unique city, warts and all.

Hope I was seeing things correctly!

I found out the sad news this morning that she died the morning of August 23. I am not sure of the exact cause but she had been suffering from liver disease the last few years. Here is what her daughter wrote: "Our mother, Pat Smith, passed away peacefully in her sleep at the hospital early this morning. She is no longer suffering and is finally at peace. She was so brave, independent, creative, and witty. We are devastated."

Many, many thanks to all of the committee members who helped make the reunion happen - Dick Cooper, Martha Little, Martha McQuitty, Brian Fisher, May Kay, Mike Martin, Beverly Sparkman, and any others whom I have forgotten or didn't know about. It was a great time, well organized and executed, and much appreciated by me and, I expect, the other attendees. I hope we can find a way to have another one in the not-to-distant future.
--Paul Haydel

In early December the committee will meet to assess the reunion and discuss what we want to do next. If you have comments about the reunion, good or bad, please let us know. You can leave a comment under my name or your name. If you wish it to be private you can message me or another member of the committee. 

If you have any ideas about what we should do next, please let us know. The same methods as above can be used. 

If you would like to join the committee, please let us know. All of us strongly feel that new voices and new ideas, as well as new energy will really help. We are working on ways to allow easy participation by people who live out of town and cannot physically attend the meetings. So don't let where you live affect your decision to join. 

Mike Martin


To Dick Cooper and the remarkable committee: I would like to thank you all for organizing and achieving a wonderful, unforgettable reunion. And, thank you to Fred Laredo for donating the Franklin prints for all.Sorry that you were unable to attend.
As I did, I think that we all made "new, old friends"- making new friends and renewing friendships with others.
I am so glad that I listened to those who encouraged me to attend.
Thanks all, Margaret Rita Yanus
