Newark High School
Class Of 1964
Janice Pfeffer Norris
Janice's Latest Interactions
Birthday Greetings Janice, Wow, you got married pretty much at graduation time. I congratulate you and Don for such a long successful marriage. Many of us were not as successful as yous. Our Good Lord brought a wonderful lady into my life five years ago. He also made me a much improved husband. My cousin Dan has his Family Pizza place still in Nerk. I thing my credit is good with him so, if you are in Nerk, get a pizza on me. LOL If you ever make it to South Korea, let us know. I have over 25 years here. I still do employment consulting and training for our US military returning to civilian life. Sally and I partner with several missions to Help Others in the Name of Jesus. We use a little Balloon Ministry to visit hospitals and orphanages and like organizations. Sally is the wonderful looking lady on the right of the Hallelujah Balloon Brother AKA Chris. Grace and Peace, Chris and Eun Young (Sally)