In Memory

Joe Schmidt


Joseph Schmidt was born on September 18, 1947. According to our records Ohio was his home or enlistment state. We have Newark listed as the city and Licking County included within the archival record.


He was drafted into the Army. Entered via Selective Service. Served during the Vietnam War. He began his tour on July 3, 1968. He had the rank of Corporal. Occupation or specialty was Light Weapons Infantry. Service number was 51877936. Served with 25th Infantry Division, 1st Battalion, 27th Infantry.


Schmidt experienced a traumatic event which resulted in loss of life on September 7, 1968. Recorded circumstances attributed to: "Hostile Died of Wounds, Misadventure, Ground Casualty". Incident location: South Vietnam, Binh Duong province.


Joseph is honored on the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial in Washington DC. Name inscribed at VVM Wall, Panel 45w, Line 61.

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10/24/19 08:15 AM #1    

Robert Brown

Sad...full of life in "65; graduated and went to Viet Nam; killled by friendly fire early in tour. A good friend! Mother taught english...

He has the same birthdate as me, so I've thought about him often. I like to think I'm sharing a part of my life with him and for him.

His name is on the wall in Washington; if you're there, look him up.

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